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Did You Know...

... that the Southern California Skydiving League finished big in Perris?

posted Aug 30th, 2009 - The new work week begins with scores from Perris, California. The last meet of the Southern California Skydiving League took was hosted by Perris Valley Skydiving and was a great success. Twelve teams competed in Perris and made it the busiest meet of the 2009 season.

Most of the teams had already attended an SCSL meet earlier this year and came back to celebrate the conclusion of the 2009 season. It's All Good, Perris IB and Jim and the Pimps were new to the SCSL 4-way competition.

The 12 teams competed in all four categories, and there was great competition in the AAA and AA Class with five teams each. Jim and the Pimps was the only team in the A Class, and Rookie Class team Elsinore Rigby visited Perris to attend the team's second meet this year.

Elsinore BTE action
The most exciting race took place in the AAA Class where It's All Good and Elsinore BTE ended up tied in 2nd place with 89 points and 14.8 averages. It was BTE's third meet this year with the best performance and highest meet average (10.2 - 11.8 - 14.8) by far.

The 4-way veterans of It's All Good were probably one of the reasons why BTE was pushed to a higher level. The high-profile lineup inluded Perris Fury member Uli Steuwe, who teamed up with another 4-way veteran with German roots, Kai Wolf.

Former FX and Airspeed member and full-time coach Christopher Irwin joined the two Germans. Kate Stephens, Bodyflight Storm 4-way world champion of 2008 in the female category, completed the lineup.

Russian 8-way team of 2001
image by: Omniskore
Another Perris Fury member outscored his team mate Uli Steuwe with the Founding Fathers last weekend. Chris Farina made his first appearance with Dan BC's and John Hamilton's fun team project. The Founding Fathers attended the second meet this year and won the AAA Class competition with a 16.5 average.

A former Russian 8-way world champion completed the Founding Fathers lineup in Perris. Misha Mineev won 8-way silver medals at the World Meet 1999 in Australia, then gold medals in Spain 2001 and France 2003.

Founding Father Dan BC competed against Misha Mineev at that time, won in 1999 and lost to the Russian team in 2001. Dan BC then left Airspeed, and the Russian 8-way team won one more time in 2003, once again over Airspeed.

Dan BC and Misha Mineev at the World Meet 1999
Several of Misha Mineev's 8-way team mates switched to 4-way competition after the last gold medal success in 2003, and several of them are currently preparing for the upcoming 4-way competition at the FAI World Cup 2009.

8-way world champions Vladimir Pavlenko and Oleg Shalamykhin are current members of Skylight Barkli and Sky Panthers. Black Cat members Vassili Korotkov and Evgueni Stachtchenko are Russian 8-way world champions of 2001. Alternate Alexey Minaev won all the Russian 8-way medals between 1999 and 2003.

The NSL News will now go back to the World Cup coverage from the Czech Republic, stay tuned for the next updates.

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