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Did You Know...

... that four Golden Knights and JaNette Lefkowitz added the third set of gold medals to the U.S. collection?

U.S. gold medals in 4-way Women
posted Sep 15th, 2016 - The third finish of a Formation Skydiving event at the Mondial 2016 brought the third set of gold medals to the U.S. delegation.

Four more Golden Knights (Jen Davidson, Laura Davis, Dannielle Woosley, Scott Janise on camera) followed up on the record victory of the U.S. Army's 8-way team yesterday and won the 4-way Women competition, together with SDC Rhythm XP member JaNette Lefkowitz.

It was a horse race with the French Girls through eight rounds, and the U.S. team had the stronger finish, while the French team fell victim to bad injury luck, on top of the toughest battle with the strongest opponent.

FAI Mondial 2016
Rank4-way Women12,A,1618,15,01,F,E,C17,B,1410,2,2021,11,GJ,5,19L,M,K,7D,8,43,13,QTotalAvg
1Golden KnightsUS21213020(-2)17192435201722422.4
2French GirlsFR211830(-1)231718(-2)2434181421721.7
4Montreal FuzionCA1815(-1)19(-1)16(-2)14161725171417117.1
5Les StuntsBE151420(-1)1611(-1)131624151315715.7
8No MercyPL141419(-1)13(-1)911(-1)1219141113613.6
9Infra Red BandRU1512(-1)16(-3)13(-1)9(-2)111317141013013.0
10CZ LadiesCZ111114(-1)13910121991011811.8
Bad luck in Round 10: Sophia Pecout
Sophia Pecout, 4-way Women world champion of 2014 and still in the tail slot for the French Girls, injured her shoulder in the middle of the last round, exactly after the 14th scoring point, and stopped performing to handle her critical situation.

She pulled her reserve, as she could not open the main parachute and then still landed safely. Fortunately, the visit to the nearest hospital confirmed that there is no serious shoulder injury. The 14-pointer in Round 10 does not reflect the great performance until the incident, even though it was already too late to catch up with the U.S. team.

The celebration in the landing area had to take place without Sophia Pecout, who was back later to congratulate. The 4-way Open Class teams will now try to finish their own meet this afternoon.

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