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Did You Know...

... that Sarah Jacobs posted a 19-pointer highscore after spraining her ankle and then hiked 30 miles?

Hurricane Matthew last week
posted Oct 10th, 2016 - Hurricane Matthew had its impact on the Indoor Cloud League competition, as well. The Sun Path Products NSL News coverage of the September events was slow due to a busy outdoor agenda, while the start of the October competition was delayed by the hurricane, at least at iFLY Orlando.

The ICL team had scheduled the first event of the month for last Thursday, which was exactly the day when the hurricane arrived at Central Florida's coast line. iFLY Orlando closed the doors and the flying chamber at 5 PM, and the ICL event had to be postponed for a week.

iFLY Seattle held one Indoor Cloud League event on September 14th. Deb Correia said that she had four teams, while the scores came from three of the groups. The coaches once again added scores for the AAA and AA sequences after the event.

iFLY Seattle - SeptemberAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
Dave Correia, Andrew Gaiovyi, Djordje Mandaric, Dmitry Rudchenko1716----33
Randy Barbee, Monika Brunnenkant, Andrew Gaiovyi, Dmitry Rudchenko--15---15
Randy Barbee, Monika Brunnenkant, Sarah Jacobs, Dmitry Rudchenko---19--19
Olga Nikolova, Dave Camden, Deb Correia, Dave Correia----161531

iFLY Seattle's Best of September17161519161598
Sprained ankle - 19pointer - Grand Canyon: Sarah Jacobs
Deb Correia said that her 4-way rookies Olga Nikolova and Dave Camden were paired up again this month to turn in the highscores for the RR and R sequences. She and her husband Dave Correia guided them on their way to the current highscores in both categories.

Monika Brunnenkant, Sarah Jacobs, Randy Barbee and coach Dmitry Rudchenko turned in the 19-pointer for the RRR sequence after a painful incident, as Deb Correia reported:

"Unfortunately, partway through the night on Block 19, Sarah, who was flying Inside Center, hit the wall hard and badly sprained her ankle. After a short break, she insisted the rest of us get back in. Andrew Gaiovyi, who was coaching another team, flew back-to-backs to complete the session, and that team turned in the score for the A Class sequence. Sarah drove herself to the ER, and then a week later she hiked 30 miles in the Grand Canyon for her wedding day! She said it took an air cast, ace bandages, and a boatload of Ibuprofen, but it was worth it."

New blocks: 14+ flying chamber at iFLY Seattle
iFLY Seattle had two additional lineups the same night (Amira Morghem, Ahmed Abdussalam, Babs Selig, with coach Andrew Gaiovyi - Jeramy Eggum, Bill Selig, Isaac Bahr, with coach Djordje Mandaric) who ended up behind the other teams with their scores and did not make it onto the September leaderboard.

Deb Correia said that rough air had a serious impact especially on Djordje Mandaric's team: "They had a hard time staying off the net. The tunnel had opened the louvers 100% to adjust the temperature, which probably caused the air to be rough that night."

She said that more training will be offered to the ICL team at iFLY Seattle after the USPA Nationals, as the recently extended ICL dive pool for the 14+ flying chambers requires more 2-on-2 sessions for the participants to learn the new blocks.

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