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Did You Know...

... that Gilles Dutrisac's comeback at iFLY Orlando added two 20-pointers to the ICL November leaderboard?

Rookie Class lineup of the November 3 event
posted Nov 19th, 2016 - iFLY Orlando's Indoor Cloud League team came back together last Thursday for the last effort this month to add to the previous total after the November 10 event.

Result of the third FSL Tunnel Kicker was a colorful iFLY Orlando leaderboard for the month of November, with scores and videos of all three events.

All three scores for the Rookie Class categories (RRR - RR - R) survived the whole month after two different lineups had posted the 17 - 16 - 16 combination on November 3rd. Kanishka Perera and Ed Ganley, with player coaches Bob Byrne and James Hall in the lineup, tied the 17-pointer for the RRR Class sequence on November 10th, while the second Rookie Class lineup finished far behind the earlier scores. However, the two 17-pointers (AAA - AA) made it onto the November leaderboard that night, and the 23-pointer for the A Class sequence is finally iFLY Orlando's highscore for November, after last week's last event.

iFLY Orlando - NovemberAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
Yvonne Saa, Sebastian Jimenez, James Hall, Brad Weinberg, Amer Kassas-1415----
Bob Byrne, Amer Kassas, Mark Messersmith, Kanishka Perera--1217--17
Champaka Nagaraju, Kanishka Perera, Bob Byrne, Kurt Gaebel----161632

iFLY Orlando on November 3rd---17161649

Cathy Luo, Sebastian Jimenez, James Hall, Kurt Gaebel1717-----
Yvonne Saa, Leslie Eggenberger, Sebastian Jimenez, Jimmy Xu-1623---23
Mark Messersmith, Kanishka Perera, Bob Byrne, James Hall-915----
Kanishka Perera, Bob Byrne, James Hall, Ed Ganley--1117---
Foster Crossman, Bob Byrne, Kurt Gaebel, Ed Ganley----96-

iFLY Orlando on November 10th--23---23

James Hall, Kurt Gaebel, Gilles Dutrisac, Trevor Cedar2020----40
Cathy Luo, Leslie Eggenberger, Sebastian Jimenez, James Hall1719-----
Cathy Luo, Leslie Eggenberger, Bob Byrne, Amer Kassas-151927---
Sebastian Jimenez, Brad Weinberg, Kurt Gaebel, Amer Kassas-131628---
Jesse Sparling, Ryan Garcia, Avery Katz, Bob Byrne-----8-

iFLY Orlando on November 17th2020----40

iFLY Orlando Best of November202023171616112

Embry-Riddle team with Bob Byrne
Three students of the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach joined the iFLY Orlando team last Thursday and tried the R Class sequence when they entered the flying chamber for the first time as a 4-way team, with player coach Bob Byrne in the lineup.

They outscored the Rookie Class lineup of the November 10 event and still ended up far behind iFLY Orlando's top scores from November 3rd. However, they enjoyed the first steps in 4-way competition and plan to be back soon for more.

Last week's Indoor Cloud League team contributed with two 20-pointers to the November total, which replaced the previously posted couple of 17-pointers. Gilles Dutrisac was back at iFLY Orlando for an FSL Tunnel Kicker after a long break. James Hall, Trevor Cedar and Kurt Gaebel completed the lineup.

USPA Nationals 2015
Rank4-way OpenJ,H,2,86,D,18F,9,L,O1,17,EK,19,N,P3,7,54,A,B,1211,16,M15,Q,2220,14,10TotalAvg
1Arizona Airspeed2724432326252523211925625.6
2SDC Rhythm XP2221422527202320201623623.6
3Golden Knights2319372224192321191722422.4
4Carolina Turbo XP2220342225201921181621721.7
5HG XP1518301822191815141218118.1
6Prestige Worldwide1816271516161416141316516.5
8Dallas 3501616231517171516141116016.0
9Verve XP1513271417161616131215915.9
10Spaceland Lite1614231317131313141014614.6
Comeback at iFLY Orlando: Gilles Dutrisac
Gilles Dutrisac, who works for Performance Designs in DeLand, trained and competed with HP XP in 2015. His team finished in 5th place at the USPA Nationals 2015 with an 18.1 average and was the unofficial U.S. amateur champion of the year. He took a break this year for a knee surgery and is now back in action.

Trevor Cedar is new to the AAA Class. He has trained and competed with different teams in all other categories in the past and is now taking on the complete FAI/IPC dive pool. The AAA/AA sequences did not bring slot switchers to the rear piece in November, where he performed in the tail slot with piece partner Kurt Gaebel.

This lineup had competition by last week's lineup of the DeLand Kickers, who beat the AAA/AA Class lineup of November 10 by two points. The AA Class sequence was taken on by even four teams, and two lineups had an internal competition in three categories. The 27- and 28-pointers of both lineups could not be used for the Indoor Cloud League leaderboard, as some members were not eligible for RRR Class sequences any longer.

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