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Did You Know...

... that iFLY Sacramento took the three Rookie Class highscores for November?

Lori Connor with her iFLY Sacramento team
posted Nov 20th, 2016 - It did not take too long until iFLY Sacramento followed up on the latest Indoor Cloud League scores for the 12+ flying chambers that iFLY Orlando posted last Thursday.

The internal iFLY Sacramento leaderboard is missing the name of Lori Connor in the lineups, who has been organizing the events of the Northern California Skydiving League and the Indoor Cloud League events at iFLY SF Bay and iFLY Sacramento.

She has not been missing many opportunities to fly with her participants, even though she has now forwarded the management of the iFLY SF Bay events to Maria Sheets. Lori Connor had to take a break for a hip surgery, and she will still be out of the active game for a few months. However, she is still fully engaged and provided the new information from iFLY Sacramento during her recovery.

iFLY Sacramento - NovemberAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
Matt Stephens, Steven Walker, Jason Russell, Abbie Crews1515----30
Lisa Larkin, Ron Ashcraft, John Verley, Monty Stephens--12---12
Russ Hebert, Clynton Hebert, Matt Stephens, Abbie Crews---22--22
Sona Santos-Linsenbach, Scott Rainey, Matt Stephens, Abbie Crews----21-21
Karel Davis, Carlos Gutierrez, Matt Stephens, Abbie Crews----20--
Krista Gusack, Arturo Espinosa, Steven Walker, Jason Russell----18--
Ryan Kihm, Keith Clayton, Steven Walker, Jason Russell----141717

iFLY Sacramento's Best of November151512222117102

Abbie Crews with the RRR Class lineup
iFLY Sacramento took all three highscores for the Rookie Class sequences (RRR - RR - R) away from iFLY Orlando. iFLY Sacramento cannot win the 2016 competition, as the new tunnel joined the Indoor Cloud League competition only in May this year. However, the battle fore the monthly highscores is exciting enough, and iFLY Sacramento also had the highest total for the month of June.

Lori Connor said that her ICL team might not be done yet with the November leaderboard. She is hoping that upcoming flying sessions may generate additional videos and scores and improve the November total. 4-way juniors Noah and Caleb Thornquest have training sessions with coach Matt Stephens scheduled in November, and they could beat the current highscores.

iFLY Sacramento is only ten points behind iFLY Orlando in November, and a higher A Class score could make it a real close call.

Indoor Cloud League
RankNovember 12+E,21,A,16E,6,21E,A,6E,A,QM,E,AM,ETotal
1iFLY OrlandoUS 20 20 23171616112
2iFLY SacramentoUS151512 22 21 17102
Abbie Crews with the AAA Class lineup
Lori Connor also reported that four of her lineups were competing for the top spot in the RR Class: "It was close, but Scott Rainey and Sona J. Santos-Linsenbach, along with Matt Stephens and Abbie Crews, scored the highest with 21 points. Congrats Team 8!"

She almost did not have AAA and AA scores due to logistical challenges and her own injury: "Abbie Crews flew Inside Center and coached while she was an on-call pilot until just before the dirt diving began. Two rosters needed to be prepared, one with Abbie and one without. It sure was great having her fly with the teams, and we hope she's more of a regular this winter."

Her participants had also once again coaching help by Jason Russell and Steven Walker who supported coach Matt Stephens. The next NCSL event at iFLY Sacramento is coming up with 3-way tunnel scrambles on December 1st.

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