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Did You Know...

... that iFLY Sacramento followed up quickly on the latest iFLY Orlando ICL December scores?

iFLY Sacramento's Indoor Cloud League December team
posted Dec 27th, 2016 - The iFLY Orlando team did not have to wait very long until the first scores from California followed the latest update of the Indoor Cloud League December competition.

However, the newest scores did not come from iFLY SF Bay, the 1-point opponent on the 12+ leaderboard. Lori Connor's iFLY Sacramento team submitted scores and videos for five of the six December sequences. She said that her team did not have a lineup for the AAA Class sequence this month.

iFLY Sacramento's NCSL team has not missed an opportunity to hold its monthly Tunnel Kicker on the 3rd Thursday of each month since May. It's at the Tunnel Kicker where Lori Connor puts together the teams that compete for iFLY Sacramento and on the internal leaderboard. Her Sacramento team has been successful in fielding all six ICL categories in 2016 except for its first month and now unfortunately, the last month of 2016. The missing AAA Class submission for December is partially due to Lori Connor still being out from the active lineups since her hip surgery in November.

iFLY Sacramento - DecemberAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
Nick Armstrong, Caleb Thornquest, Noah Thornquest, Matt Stephens-1721---38
Lisa Larkin, Ron Ashcraft, John Verley, Monty Stephens-1318----
Russ Hebert, Krista Gusack, Alan Snyder, Matt Stephens--1713---
Maki Ganno, Valerie Armstrong, Karen Woolem, Matt Stephens---15--15
Reed Lawson, Ryan Kihm, Steven Walker, Jason Russell----141832
Justin Breaux, Kristin Breaux, Steven Walker, Jason Russell----1214-
Matt Lawson, Keith Clayton, Steven Walker, Jason Russell----1012-

iFLY Sacramento Best of December-172115141885

AA and A Class highscores
The last event of iFLY Sacramento's ICL debut year was held on December 15th. In spite of not having a AAA Class lineup, the Sacramento team put up another 85 points toward its 2016 ICL total. iFLY Sacramento joined the ICL Leaderboard late in 2016, missing the first four months of the year, so it was difficult to become a forerunner among the other 12+ tunnels on the ICL leaderboard. However, Lori Connor said that 2017 is right around the corner, and the coaches and participants in Sacramento plan to bring their very best throughout the entirety of next year, so they can be in the running against the other 12+ tunnels.

Even though the Sacramento team was missing its AAA score, it had several other internal battles this month. Lori Connor provided more details:

"Two teams competed for the AA Class highscore, but during their last round, Team 6, with Noah Thornquest, Caleb Thornquest, Nick Armstrong and player coach Matt Stephens, scored the high score of 17(-1) points. There were also three teams competing for the A Class high score, but once again, Team 6 with Noah, Caleb, Nick and coach Matt, scored 21(-1) points during their last A Class round winning the internal competition in the A Class."

Indoor Cloud League 2016
RankDecember 12+Q,14,L,17Q,9,14Q,L,9L,C,FM,Q,LM,QTotal
1iFLY Orlando 13 (-1) 19 21 27 19 24123
2iFLY Sacramento-17 2115141885
Rookie Class highscores
She said that the scores of the other two A Class teams require special attention, as well: "They were good scores too, with 18 and 17 points respectively, which made it a close competition in that category, which is always nice."

There were also two Rookie Class teams competing for the RRR Class submission, along with three Rookie Class teams competing for the RR/R submissions: "Team 4 with Maki Ganno, Karen Woolem, Valerie Armstrong and player coach Matt Stephens took the Sacramento high score in RRR with 15 points, and Team 3 with Ryan Kihm, Reed Lawson and player coaches Steven Walker and Jason Russell took the high scores in both R and RR classes with 18 and 14 points."

Lori Connor wrapped up the ICL 2016 season at iFLY Sacramento with a 2016 summary and an outlook into next year: "Congratulations go out to all of the teams for their hard work and dedication this month and throughout 2016 in learning 4-way, advancing their RW skills and definitely working very hard to have fun. A big thank you to all of the NCSL coaches, participants and of course iFLY Sacramento for sponsoring the Indoor Cloud League activities of the NCSL at iFLY Sacramento. All of the 2017 dates have been scheduled, and we look forward to a wonderfully successful and fun 2017 season."

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