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Did You Know...

... that Flying Circus finished with another team record average this week?

AAA Class team HF Flying Circus
posted Jan 13th, 2017 - The Flying Circus of the Hurricane Factory in Prague, Czech Republic, is a well-known name in the 4-way world by now, and the young team continues to make the headlines month by month.

It happened again this week that Flying Circus increased the performance level and finished with a new team record average. This is nothing unusual, as the chart with all of the team's indoor scores is showing it clearly. There has hardly ever been a point in time when the scores of the last meet were not higher than at the previous ones.

The chart of all indoor scores with decreasing meet averages is misleading, as it begins with the Rookie Class results, which are naturally higher than the recent scores in the AAA Class. Flying Circus has moved from the first Rookie Class meet in September 2014 to this week's 18.7 average in the AAA Class in little over two years. It seems to be only a matter of time when Flying Circus will break the 20-average level in the AAA Class.

ETL January 2017
RankAAA Class2,7,12N,F,B,2019,5,D16,Q,J,10A,K,8,149,18,1311,M,O,L6,G,13,15,PE,17,C,HTotalAvg
1HF Chicks 17 271719 22 17 2418 18 2520420.4
2Bad Boys 1723 18 201816 24 19 182319619.6
3HF Flying Circus152517191815 241811 2518718.7
4CZ Ladies1420161717142016151916816.8
RankAA Class2,7N,F,B,2019,D,14Q,J,13A,K,89,1811,M,O6,G,115,P,LE,C,H,4TotalAvg
1Skydive University SK12 18 15 16 19 1617 14 18 2316816.8
2HF Junior Cubs12171415 191316 14161715315.3
3HF Junior Flies 141711111013 1811141413313.3
4Best of Relative1312111215101511121512612.6
RankA Class2,7N,F,B19,DQ,J,4A,K,89,21M,O,N6,GP,L,FE,C,HTotalAvg
1Mimozemky 1222 1210 12 15 24 12 211715715.7
2Mirek Team11 2310 12914221115 1814514.5
3HF Junior Blue811667712798818.1
1HF Junior Green 5 8 3 4 2 3 5 1 4 6414.1
HF Flying Circus indoor scores
Flying Circus is currently cleaning up the Czech AAA Class leaderboards team by team. The CZ Ladies, Czech national 4-way team in 4-way Women, with Flying Circus member Jakub Klapka's mother Jirina in the lineup, were able to hold off the charging youngsters until November 2016 before they had to allow Flying Circus to pass in December.

Flying Circus is now far ahead of CZ Ladies two months later and is moving dangerously close to the Bad Boys, reigning Czech 4-way Open Class champion with father Jan Klapka in the tail slot. Only nine points was the difference between the two teams this Wednesday, and Flying Circus outscored Bad Boys in two of the ten rounds.

Flying Circus also tied the scores of this week's winner, HF Chicks, in two rounds and closed in on the second all-female Czech lineup in the AAA Class.

HF Flying Circus in home air in January 2016
One reason for the team's ongoing and rapid progression in the AAA Class is the fact that Czech 4-way godfather Jan Klapka offers his teams plenty of opportunity to get familiar with the dive pool.

Flying Circus regularly learns and practices slot switchers, memory and 6-point sequences by using the Indoor Cloud League sequences in training and apply techniques and mental skills at the regular monthly 10-round meets at the Hurricane Factory.

This week's competition draw included a 6-point slot switcher for the front piece in Round 1, and at least a slot switcher for the rear piece in Round 3. The 11-pointer for the slot switcher in Round 9 is showing that Flying Circus is still new to these AAA Class challenges, even though the team came back very strongly for the next slot switcher for both pieces in Round 10. It will become really dangerous for Bad Boys and HF Chicks once Flying Circus cannot be shaken any longer by the slot switchers, memory and 6-point sequences. It will probably not take too long...

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