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Did You Know...

... that HF Flying Circus posted the team's first sole AAA Class highscore in the Czech Republic?

HF Chicks at the Wind Games 2017
posted Feb 9th, 2017 - The Indoor Cloud League competition of January was barely completed with the summary on 6 February 2017 when the Czech 4-way teams went back into action. Nine teams had performed the six January sequences and five of them combined for the January total of 137 points, which confirmed the top position once again on the 14+ leaderboard.

It was the 4th meet of the Czech indoor winter season that brought the teams back together at the Hurricane Factory, including the Skydive University team from Slovakia.

Even the Hurricane Factory Chicks, who just came back from Spain where they had competed at the Wind Games 2017 last weekend, were back in the home flying chamber to defend the AAA Class top position that they had taken from the Bad Boys in December and January.

Hurricane Factory - JanuaryAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
Bad Boys2021----21
HF Chicks2020----20
HF Flying Circus1720-----
HF Junior Cubs-1417----
HF Junior Flies-1314----
Mirek Team--1620273057
HF Junior Blue--8101317-

Hurricane Factory's Best of January202119202730137

Czech 4-way junior delegation at the ISR Grand Prix 2016
Several Czech teams had to scramble though to have complete lineups for this week's meet. Bad Boys point Jaroslav "Jarda" Smitka was sick, and his team needed help from the HF Chicks.

Jitka Vycpálková helped out, and the Bad Boys benefitted with a 20.7 average and the 1st place - in front of the HF Chicks.

The CZ Ladies were also missing a team member. Jirina Klapkova fell victim probably to the same influenza as Jaroslav Smitka, and her husband Jan Klapka was filling her slot for the meet.

Last and not least, Jan Klapka had a third team that needed help. Both Czech 4-way junior teams, HF Cubs and HF Flies, were not available with their complete lineups, and they joined forces in a mixed lineup, the HF Cubs Flies.

WTL February 2017
RankAAA Class5,12,OK,C,3,192,J,15N,22,Q,A9,E,20B,17,1016,8,FD,13,14H,4,M,11L,18,6TotalAvg
1Bad BoysCZ1921202123241719222120720.7
2HF ChicksCZ1920192123201818221919919.9
3HF Flying CircusCZ1617172223191717181718318.3
4CZ LadiesCZ1718161819191713171116516.5
RankAA ClassO,A,11K,C,192,J,15N,22,Q9,E,20B,P,18,F,GD,13,14H,4,ML,18,6TotalAvg
1SD University SlovakiaSK191415615191912191315115.1
2Best of RelativeCZ1310101110141610161012012.0
RankA ClassO,A,GK,C,192,JN,Q,M9,EB,P,218,FD,7H,4L,6TotalAvg
2Mirek TeamCZ19111321177815121013313.3
3HF Junior BlueCZ97810898767797.9
1HF Junior Cub FliesCZ1722212011171415161516816.8
2HF Junior GreenCZ3376564645494.9
First sole AAA Class highscore: HF Flying Circus
Two HF Junior Cubs (Viktorie Nováková, Tereza Zívalová) invited the female teenager of the Flies, Darja Vanilová, to compete this week, and Jan Klapka completed another ten rounds with three female 4-way competitors in his lineup.

The HF Cub Flies stepped down into the Rookie Class to accommodate their situation adequately, where they had company by an even younger 4-way junior team. HF Junior Green performed the complete Rookie Class sequences for the first time. They had started with R and RR Class sequences and now posted their highest meet average with three different random formations per sequence.

This week's WTL Sportflight competition in the Hurricane Factory also featured the first time that the young HF Flying Circus outscored all other Czech AAA Class teams and posted a sole highscore in Round 4. It was only a matter of time when this would happen...

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