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Did You Know...

... that the FAI/IPC regulations for changes of representation are still the same?

IPC President Dr. Rainer "Exi" Hoenle (right) with judges in Prostejov 2014
posted Feb 12th, 2017 - The Weembi Lille/NMP PCH HayaBusa story continues with the video of the NSL Live Talk that was recorded on Friday. HayaBusa coach Gary Smith had mentioned the French national team in 4-way Open, RealFly-Sion, as the most improved team, which became the topic for yesterday's Sun Path Products NSL News update.

The 1-day delay for the NSL Live Talk video also gave additional time to study the FAI/IPC eligibility rules more carefully and inquire directly for clarification with IPC President Dr. Rainer "Exi" Hoenle. Roy Janssen's recent change from competing for Belgium to becoming a French member of the Weembi lineup brought back a topic and a part of the rules that have been discussed several times in the past.

Eligibility to compete for a different country at an FAI World Championship of Formation Skydiving used to be defined under of the FAI Sporting Code: "Change of Representation - First Category Events. If a person has represented a country in a First Category event, that person must not represent another country in any First Category Event during the twenty four months following the month in which the First Category Event, in which the person represented the first country, takes place."

The Sun Path Products NSL News quoted the recent version of the FAI Sporting Code in the related story on 10 February 2017, which defines in general the representation at an FAI First Category international sporting event.

IPC President Exi helped the Sun Path Products NSL News to the more specific definition at a different spot in the latest version of the FAI Sporting Code.

Chapter 3 (Sporting Licenses) is more detailed when it comes to the change of representation from one country to another one:

" Change of Representation - First Category Events. If a competitor has represented a country in a First Category Event, that competitor must not represent another country in any First Category Event during the twenty four months, or a longer period as specified by a particular ASC, following the month in which the First Category Event, in which the competitor represented the first country, takes place."

No Thunder at the FAI World Cup 2015: Visitor Sven Ibens with Luc Verstrepen
The time limits are still in place in the same way as they were before, and Roy Janssen is eligible to compete for France if he fulfills all other FAI regulations for a sporting license.

Gary Smith remembered that FAI/IPC's member in the United States, USPA, was very strict in enforcing the FAI regulations, and he hopes that all countries will apply the rules equally.

He said that the recent conflict over Thunder ISR's participation at the FAI World Cup in Teuge 2015 did not help much to clarify the eligibility situation.

However, he sees Weembi Lille only as a great opponent for his team and additional world class performance in 4-way competition.

Gary Smith said that he is expecting Weembi Lille to become stronger in the course of the year. The French team is spending two hours per month in the Weembi flying chamber and specializes on indoor competition, while NMP PCH HayaBusa trains and competes outdoors with highest priority. The French Indoor Nationals 2017 are now six weeks away...

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