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Did You Know...

... that NSL-TV features SDC Rhythm XP wrapping it up in Round 10?

AAA Class awards at Paraclete XP
posted Feb 26th, 2017 - It does not happen very often that Arizona Airspeed ends up in 3rd place. The World Challenge 2012 was the last time when such an extraordinary event occurred.

The results early in the 2012 season did not have an impact on the outcome of the most relevant event of the year though. Airspeed eventually won the gold medals at the FAI Mondial 2012 in Dubai.

However, this weekend's final results at the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2017 are still a significant milestone, at least for the 4-way competition in the Unites States. Airspeed has been undefeated by any U.S. team since 2006, when DeLand Groove and Fastrax both outscored the old Odyssey lineup at the USPA Nationals. The new Odyssey lineup of 2007 took back the top position in the U.S.A. and Airspeed never lost a meet again - until this weekend.

Paraclete XP Indoor 2017
RankAAA Class7,20,G17,J,410,16,B12,F,D,EO,P,22,19K,N,6,153,14,MC,1,2113,2,L9,18,8TotalAvg
1SDC Rhythm XP2825(-2)25(-1)30(-1)2727(-1)26262323(-1)26026.0
3Arizona Airspeed21(-2)29253127292325232425725.7
2nd place: Paraclete XP4
SDC Rhythm XP and Paraclete XP's lineup repeated this weekend what DeLand Groove and Fastrax did in 2006 - they left Airspeed behind after ten indoor rounds. It was much closer this time though, as the three top teams were separated by only three points, while DeLand Groove was 16 points ahead of Airspeed in 2006.

The Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2017 was still a winner for all three teams in the medal positions. SDC Rhythm XP has arrived at the spot where the passionate and intense work of a decade was rewarded with the first victory over Airspeed.

The defending U.S. 4-way champions from Arizona have brought the new lineup to the U.S. top level in a very short time period against the Rhythm lineup that had a 1-year head start. Last and not least, Paraclete XP also defeated Arizona Airspeed of the first time.

3rd place and still good 2017 start: Arizona Airspeed's new lineup
Airspeed's team captain Niklas Hemlin explained to the Sun Path Products NSL News in a live interview why his team was still happy with the performance at Paraclete. He and JaNette Lefkowitz had just enough time for a quick NSL Live Talk between Round 10 and the award ceremony.

The video will be posted later, and the new NSL-TV clip first features SDC Rhythm XP wrapping up the peak event of the team career in Round 10.

Rhythm had a strong second day of the meet, with only the remaining three rounds, and defended the 3-point lead successfully. In fact, Paraclete XP4 was in 1st place at the end of the first day, and Rhythm had to get past the home team, as well, to win the meet. They did both, and the 2017 competition season in the Unites States has begun with very promising results.

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