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... that NSL-TV features the NMP PCH HayaBusa vs. Weembi Lille InTime judging videos?

Weembi Lille ready for a competition round
posted Mar 31st, 2017 - The competition videos of the French Indoor Nationals 2017 are now available, and it is time to go back and review last weekend's showdown between NMP PCH HayaBusa and Weembi Lille.

It was the first competition between both teams with the same lineups where the Belgian 4-way indoor and outdoor world champions did not give away one single round. HayaBusa won seven of the ten rounds and tied the other three.

The penalty situation did not change the picture much. Weembi would have won Round 9 by one point without the four point deductions, and the difference between the two teams was ten points before penalties (316 - 306). The 10-round meet at Weembi was one of HayaBusa's cleanest meets with only three red marks on the score sheets.

The four point deductions in Round 9 were unfortunate and still not even surprising. Weembi was eight points behind after Round 8 and had to try to make something happen. The slot switching sequence could have offered an opportunity to move closer, and Weembi picked up the pace on purpose.

French Indoor Nationals 2017
RankAAA Class10,12,A21,E,9M,J,22,G15,6,Q4,N,1419,2,F18,A,16D,20,3B,17,8P,13,K,1TotalAvg
1NMP PCH HayaBusaBE 26 36 37 33 2932 29 30(-2)29(-1) 3231331.3
2Weembi LilleFR 26 34 35(-1) 33 2931 28 28(-1)27(-4) 2930030.0
InTime score sheet with the four penalties for Weembi Lille in Round 9.
Weembi lineup at the World Challenge 2016
It did not happen, as the Belgian pace is still the fastest one in the history of the sport, and Weembi would have gained only one point (31 - 30) without the penalties.

Round 9 was actually the only one where Weembi completed more points within working time than HayaBusa, but the three French judges did not like what they saw.

Weembi Lille still won the French indoor qualification for the FAI Indoor World Meet 2017 at SkyVenture Montreal in October. This will be the fourth time this year that the two teams will face each other.

The audience will not have to wait very long though until NMP PCH HayaBusa and Weembi Lille will complete the next ten rounds. The World Challenge 2017 in Bedford is coming up very soon, and Weembi has the next opportunity to challenge the indoor world champions. Mathieu Bernier competed with Perrine Sanchez, Julien Olek and Thomas Perrin for Weembi last year. The signature lineup competes for Weembi next week, together with six more French 4-way teams in the AAA category.

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