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Did You Know...

... that RealFly-Sion is aiming at gold medals in Australia 2018?

First meet at the FAI World Cup 2015
posted Apr 16th, 2017 - The story of the French national team in 4-way Open, RealFly-Sion, has been related much by the Sun Path Products NSL News to the internal French duel with the 4-way Women lineup, the French Weembi Girls.

There were more than enough content and good reasons for this ongoing topic. Both lineups were selected for the national teams at about the same time, after the FAI World Meet 2014, where France ended up without medals in 4-way Open and with gold medals in 4-way Women.

The French Girls had another personnel change at the end of the 2015 season, when Pamela Lissajoux replaced Anais Alspach, while the RealFly-Sion lineup has not changed since the FAI World Cup 2015.

Both teams have been challenging and pushing each other in 2016, supported by national coach Mathieu Bernier, and the internal French duel has continued this year at three different indoor events. The friendly rivalry has been productive for the French national teams, as they have consistently posted new record averages. Both teams are currently standing at 30.3 indoor averages, while RealFly-Sion was ahead in outdoor competition with a 23.8 average at the FAI Mondial 2016. The French Girls posted their highest outdoor average (22.6) at the French Nationals 2016.

French Indoor Nationals 2017
RankAAA Class10,12,A21,E,9M,J,22,G15,6,Q4,N,1419,2,F18,A,16D,20,3B,17,8P,13,K,1TotalAvg
1NMP PCH HayaBusaBE 26 36 37 33 2932 29 30(-2)29(-1) 3231331.3
2Weembi LilleFR 26 34 35(-1) 33 2931 28 28(-1)27(-4) 2930030.0
3French Weembi GirlsFR26 32 33 29 2529 27 2529 2828328.3
4RealFly-SionFR22 32 33 27 2428 26 2729 2627427.4
World Challenge 2017
RankAAA ClassD,B,6,2212,E,1720,G,C,10N,M,15,HQ,19,K,48,21,LP,9,J,7O,11,113,A,163,18,5TotalAvg
1NMP PCH HayaBusaBE3329294634284728282933133.1
2Weembi LilleFR3331294335284629292733033.0
3French Weembi GirlsFR3029283832244328262530330.3
30.3 average at the Wind Games 2017
The French Weembi Girls seem to have secured their gold medals at the FAI World Meet 2018 in Australia, as no serious contender is anywhere near the French scoring level in 4-way Women. The internal duel with the national team in 4-way Open and other world class teams is important for the French Girls to avoid complacency.

The situation is very different for RealFly-Sion. Damien Gouriou was in the French national 4-way Open Class team that ended up without medals in Prostejov 2014. It was the first time that France did not win a set of medals at a World Championship of Formation Skydiving since 1985.

He helped to fix this with the new RealFly-Sion lineup and a 3rd place at the Mondial last year, and silver medals in Australia 2018 could be the next step on the way to new French gold medals in 4-way Open.

However, the live World Challenge TV interview with all RealFly-Sion members during the World Challenge made it very clear that the young French team is not aiming at silver medals next year. RealFly-Sion plans to stay ahead of Arizona Airspeed and catch up with NMP PCH HayaBusa until October 2018.

RealFly-Sion is probably ahead of the U.S. teams at this point in time, as the Airspeed results at the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2017 and the Shamrock Showdown 2017 indicate. Confirmation came after the direct confrontation with SDC Rhythm XP at the World Challenge, even though the U.S. top contender increased the scoring level significantly compared to the Paraclete XP results.

Scoring history between French national teams in 4-way Open and Arizona Airspeed since 2007.
RealFly-Sion versus NMP PCH HayaBusa since 2015
France and Arizona Airspeed have had an exciting history of 4-way Open Class clashes at the major events since 2007 and before France dropped out of contention between 2014 and 2015. The gap has now closed again, and RealFly-Sion might have a head start going into the race for 2018 medals.

However, the situation with NMP PCH HayaBusa, the reigning indoor and outdoor world champions, is a very different story, as the second chart indicates. The Belgians are not showing any weakness so far that could allow France or any U.S. team to get close enough next year. Weembi Lille, the only serious challenger at this point in time, is only an indoor team and will not compete in Australia.

On the other side, RealFly-Sion and Arizona Airspeed or SDC Rhythm XP have almost two years to get ready for the downunder showdown with HayaBusa. There is no doubt that Airspeed plans to be on gold medal level by then if they can get beyond Rhythm this year, who want to win in Australia, as well. The RealFly-Sion members made it very clear too that they have only one goal: 4-way Open Class gold medals for France in 2018...

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