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Did You Know...

... that Bahrain is hosting the 1st Arab Championship this week?

Wind tunnel locations on the Arabian Peninsula
posted May 11th, 2017 - High indoor scores have been posted on the latest leaderboard, which comes from Bahrain at half-time. The first six rounds have been completed at the 1st Arab Championship, which takes place at a newly built wind tunnel on the Arabian Peninsula.

Bahrain is the next country from the Middle East of the world that is showing more and more interest in the civilian Formation Skydiving competition.

Middle East teams and competitors have been a part of the military competition world for a long time, while they stayed away from civilian Formation Skydiving competition, with a few exceptions at world meets or world cups.

This changed significantly when the United Arab Emirates launched the Dubai skydiving project, with Eliana Rodriguez and Craig Girard heading the FS team part. Qatar began with a similar project almost at the same time, even though the country's teams still consisted of state police or military.

1st Arab Championship 2017
RankAAA Class20,22,J8,5,18K,P,G,12M,19,47,E,112,B,O,D16,14,1721,L,F,6A,9,H,3Q,10,15C,N,12,DTotalAvg
1Qatar TigersQA202229292830-----15826.3
3Dubai AsaarAE141316171917-----9616.0
RankAA Class6,4N,D,H,21K,C,G,1120,15O,F,M,LA,8,7E,P,19B,14,9J,2,Q22,18A,21,KTotalAvg
1Qatar Falcons MaroonQA182724194420-----15225.3
2Qatar Falcons WhiteQA182024145221-----14924.8
2Oman WolfOM232118172316-----11819.7
3Skydive QatarQA17916101710-----7913.2
Bahrain's AA Class team at the World Challenge 2017
Indoor training and competition have been boosting the participation in Formation Skydiving activities in the Middle East just as much as in other areas. Dubai, Qatar and Bahrain all have their own indoor flying facilities by now, and Bahrain is hosting the country's first international indoor competition.

It also serves as the first test event for hosting the FAI Indoor World Cup in 2018 at the same location.

The field of teams in Bahrain this week includes the teams of the Qatar delegation who had almost a 1-year break from civilian Formation Skydiving competition. The Qatar Tigers then competed at the Wind Games 2017 and missed the World Challenge 2017. Now they are back in meet action and close to their previous performance level after the first six rounds.

The Qatar Falcons 8-way team has split up the lineup in two 4-way teams who are battling fiercely for the top spot on the AA Class leaderboard.

World Challenge 2017
RankAA ClassF,G,D,P9,J,18E,7,M19,134,L,82,21C,14,201,K,OA,6,11N,B,H,Q15,22TotalAvg
1Skydive University SlovakiaSK29172914161613201735-20620.6
4HF Junior CubsCZ23192712161417191731-19519.5
World Challenge 2017
Rookie Class gold in Bedford: Bahrain's Rookie Class team
The teams from Bahrain are not new to the audience and the skydiving community, at least not in the AA and Rookie Class, after the recent trip to Bedford.

Bahrain's AA Class lineup won the silver medals at the World Challenge after a successful extra round with Alakran from Spain.

The Rookie Class team even won the gold medals in Bedford after a challenging duel with Omega4way from Poland. The Bahrain rookies are scoring even higher this week in their home chamber.

There is also a team from Dubai in Bahrain after a complete withdrawal from Formation Skydiving competition last year. A combination of former Dubai Asaar members made the trip to Bahrain and tries to keep up with the home team after little training.

The Qatar Tigers are completely out of reach, and they will hopefully measure themselves up directly with the other best teams in the world soon again at coming events...

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