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Did You Know...

... that Weembi videos feature Veloce QRF Elite and Weembi 8-way Girls?

Fly-In Machine 44 at the French Indoor Nationals 2017
posted May 27th, 2017 - There are still many interesting meet videos of earlier events that the Sun Path Products NSL News has not used yet. This time, the new video update goes back to the 8-way competition at the French Indoor Nationals 2017.

The outstanding performance of the new Belgian 8-way team Fly-In Machine 44, with all NMP PCH HayaBusa members in the lineup, was covered on 26 March 2017, with a follow-up story a few days later. The six rounds of the Belgian 8-way team were featured in the first of these two 8-way updates from Weembi.

Fly-In Machine 44 was far ahead of the rest of the 8-way teams, with an indoor meet average that was the second best in history behind the Golden Knights.

However, there was a serious competition for the 2nd place at Weembi on a very high performance level, as well. The 8-way lineup of the Weembi Girls and Martial Ferre's Veloce QRF Elite team were close enough to make it an interesting battle, which ended with a 9-point victory of the French team.

French Indoor Nationals 2017
Rank8-way Open18,10,3C,J,4,135,N,A,72,G,M,1921,E,8Q,P,F,16B,H,17,LK,9,6O,1,1511,12,DTotalAvg
1Fly-In Machine 44BE 2729 252420422927 363529429.4
2Weembi GirlsFR 2326 232120302423 262624224.2
3Veloce QRFFR2223211919302423 262623323.3
6VAirmaxxx VéloceFR1916171616251718232218918.9
7Shamalairlouche ClermontFR1816161616272018181918418.4
8Monaco 8MC1520 171111221816191816716.7
9Team Hell VeloceFR1614141715241017201916616.6
108way Donut PCPFR1617131313201517181415615.6
Veloce lineup at the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2017
The Weembi Girls actually won the official title of the French 8-way indoor champion with the 2nd place behind Fly-In Machine 44. The Belgians were a guest team, and Veloce had only three Frenchmen in their lineup.

Martial Ferre's Veloce 8-way teams are famous for their colorful international lineups. This time, he competed with three German team members (Petra Baerenfaenger, Henning Stumpp, Uwe Soppa) Marco Arrigo from Italy and Jérome Héritier from Switzerland. His brother Marin Ferre and former Monaco member Nicolas David completed the lineup.

The QRF Elite at Weembi posted the highest Veloce indoor average, which beat the 23.1 average at Paraclete in 2015. Veloce QRF had also posted a 21.7 average at the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2017. Five of the Veloce members in Raeford (Petra Baerenfaenger, Martial Ferre, Jérome Héritier, Uwe Soppa, Henning Stumpp) were back for the 8-way competition at Weembi.

However, even the new team record average was not enough to take the 2nd place behind the Belgians, and Veloce ended up once again in 3rd place. Golden Knights and XP8 had place ahead of Veloce at the Paraclete meet.

Paraclete XP Indoor 2017
Rank8-way OpenL,17,3P,22,M,H15,G,21N,5,A,QB,K,J,412,13,CF,18,19D,1,1011,9,E16,7,2TotalAvg
1Golden KnightsUS3735303241262732292931831.8
3Veloce QRFFR2822212230171824171821721.7
48-way XPUS2123202326131821172120320.3
5Elisa and FriendsFR2120221623131415151917817.8
6Veloce Nico'sFR212019172091519161617217.2
7Sugar Free Spaland Gummy BearsUS1815171721131417161516316.3
8Spaceland LiteUS1815141617131415131515015.0
9Team Meh...US191215141612121481413613.6
10NEXT RhythmUS161215151881213101513413.4
11Paraclete XP SurpriseUS15131214167141371112212.2
11Eight BallsUS111514111791110111312212.2
24.8 average: Weembi Girls at the French Indoor Nationals 2017
The Weembi Girls took the position behind Fly-In Machine 44. Christine Malnis, 4-way Women world champion of 2014 and member of the current French Weembi Girls 4-way lineup, has been organizing the all-female 8-way project and preparing a strong lineup for 8-way competition since Weembi opened the doors.

Her 4-way team mate Sophia Pecout was not in the lineup that posted the 20.8 average at the first Weembi 8-way meet in December last year. She and Espoir Saumur Weembi member Gaéélle Giesen made the 8-way lineup even stronger and posted the 24.2 average that won the French 8-way title and took the 2nd place away from Veloce.

The competition between Weembi Girls and Veloce QRF had two different halves. It took Veloce five rounds to find the same pace that the Weembi Girls were going from the start. The international team then matched the Weembi scores in all remaining five rounds. However, the French 9-point lead was already there after Round 5, and nothing changed after that.

The 8-way indoor season was over after the Weembi meet, and most of the 8-way indoor competitors at the event now focus back on 4-way.

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