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Did You Know...

... that the Czech 4-way teams took back the Indoor Cloud League top spot with new 4-way juniors?

Czech 4-way juniors with HayaBusa's David Grauwels
posted Jun 4th, 2017 - The next outdoor scores have been posted, and they came from the 2017 season opener of the Midwest Skydiving League where SDC Rhythm XP members guided five teams through the first meet rounds of the year, while other teams also competed in Virginia.

However, the Indoor Cloud League competition continued in the meantime, and iFLY Seattle could not enjoy the top spot on the 14+ leaderboard for very long. The Czech 4-way teams came back with a very strong statement from the Hurricane Factory after allowing Paraclete XP and iFLY Seattle to outscore them in April.

The Sun Path Products NSL News explained on 27 April 2017 that Jan Klapka has been facing a nice problem to have. His teams, and especially the 4-way juniors, have been advancing quickly beyond the scoring limitations for the Rookie Class categories. He had to recruit new lineups to fill the leaderboard with scoring numbers posted by eligible teams.

It did not take too long until he had the new Rookie Class lineups ready for 4-way performance. HF Junior T Team and HF Junior Chameleons are eligible for all three Rookie Class categories (RRR - RR - R), together with the Elements, a 4-way senior team.

Hurricane Factory - MayAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
Bad Boys2118----21
HF Chicks2023----23
HF Flying Circus2022-----
HF Junior Cubs-1819---19
HF Junior Flies-1619----
Mirek Team-131522---
HF Junior T Team--1729213150
HF Junior Chameleons--891017-

Hurricane Factory's Best of May212319292131144

Czech 4-way seniors with Jan Klapka
The problem is probably fixed only temporarily, as all three teams are already posting impressive scoring numbers. HF Junior T Team and Elements both scored above 25 points and can do this only one more time before moving up to the next ICL category. The HF Junior Chameleons may have more time to spend in the Rookie Class.

The high-scoring HF Junior T Team consists of two HF Junior Flies members and two new junior competitors, while the Flies moved up into the A Class earlier, even though they are still eligible for RRR Class sequences.

On the top level, the Bad Boys tied the 21-pointer of Phoenix XP at Paraclete and missed the highscore for the AA Class sequence due to a shortened working time of only 28 seconds. However, the all-female HF Chicks took care of AA Class business and outscored Phoenic XP members Lauren Byrd and Morgan Womble, with Matt Accord and Drew Star in their ICL lineup, by one point.

HF Flying Circus finished only one single point behind each of the highscores in both categories.

Indoor Cloud League 2017
RankMay 14+K,22,N,5J,22,7K,N,19P,E,LM,K,NM,JTotal
1Hurricane FactoryCZ 21 23 19 29 21 31144
2iFLY SeattleUS 17 18(-1) 15 26 22 30128
3Paraclete XPUS 21(-1) 22 18(-1) 12 18 27118
4iFLY TampaUS 17(-1) 17 14 13 19 24(-1)104
5Flybox IsraelIL 14 10 11 16(-1) 11 15(-1)77
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