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Did You Know...

... that Accord tied the HF Flying Circus highscore in Round 9?

Accord in 2005
posted Jun 24th, 2017 - The Sun Path Products NSL News has covered 4-way competition in the Czech Republic many times over the years. The focus was often and naturally on the teams that currently participate in the national and international events, and the Czech 4-way juniors added to the special and well deserved attention.

Bad Boys member Jan Klapka and his team have been a major part of the progression from the very beginnings of the Czech Skydiving League to the position of a small Formation Skydiving powerhouse.

However, the Bad Boys are not the only team from the beginnings of the Czech 4-way history that is still around and competes on a regular basis. In fact, Accord appeared on the NSL leaderboard for the first time only one month after the Bad Boys attended their first 4-way competition.

Accord started even much earlier. Jan Klapka said that Accord trained and competed in 4-way in the early 90s. Accord and Bad Boys both have not missed a 4-way season with indoor and outdoor scores ever since they posted their first scores on the NSL leaderboard in 2005.

May 27th, 2017
RankAAA ClassG,H,15,14D,L,J,20O,16,213,C,N,K17,1,M5,6,P7,2,Q4,9,13B,8,1819,11,10TotalAvg
1HF Flying Circus1010911119131191010310.3
3HF Skycentrum4927886877666.6
Bad Boys in 2005
Of course, a team needs an extended lineup to maintain such an impressive continuity. Jan Klapka said that the Accord lineup consists of approx. 15 team members over the years. The team page offers the names of 19 members at the moment, and two of the original Accord members are still in the current lineup, Dana Stankova and Jiri Rulf.

Enjoying 4-way training and competition, the meet environment and the social part of the 4-way community have been the main reasons for the Accord members to come back year after year. However, Accord increased training efforts in the past two years to improve individual and team skills.

Accord has been competing at the Czech World Tunnel League meets since 2012 and participated in the Indoor Cloud League activities when the Hurricane Factory posted the first Czech scores in 2013.

Bad Boys and Accord have paralleled each other’s team careers almost exactly from the very beginning to the current position in the world's 4-way community, even though Accord has used a slightly larger lineup compared to the Bad Boys.

June 25th, 2005
RankAAA ClassD,N,15,FO,Q,G,11H,3,198,5,KTotalAvg
1Dukla C81188358.8
2Bad Boys6057184.5
3No Name4354164.0
4Baby Blue3461143.5
Accord at the Czech May meet this year
The Bad Boys have obviously increased their performance level significantly since 2005 when they started from a 4.5 outdoor average in the AAA Class. Accord and Bad Boys have never attended a 4-way competition in a different category than the AAA Class.

Jan Klapka introduced the Rookie Class in 2007 and added the other NSL categories year by year, while his own team consistently increased the performance level and eventually became the Czech national indoor and outdoor 4-way team.

Accord may just have delayed the start of the performance progression to give their long-time Bad Boys friends a head start and has now begun to catch up. Accord's May competition could have produced a new outdoor team record average without the two 0-pointers, which were caused by video troubles.

The 9-pointer in Round 9 even tied the highscore for the round, also posted by HF Flying Circus, representing the newest outdoor 4-way generation in the Czech Republic...

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