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Did You Know...

... that the Hurricane Factory took the lead on the Indoor Cloud League June 14+ leaderboard?

4-way junior team HF Chameleons
posted Jun 30th, 2017 - The end of the month is once again creating moves on the leaderboards of the Indoor Cloud League.

The Czech 4-way teams are taking a break from the WTL/ETL meets during the outdoor season in the summer. However, they continue to post scores for the Hurricane Factory on the ICL 14+ leaderboard.

The senior teams who jump from planes in the summer are using the ICL sequences for their ongoing indoor training, while the junior teams are naturally limited to indoor training and competition. It is no surprise that the participation of the junior teams is almost equal compared to the 4-way seniors in the summer.

The Czech June leaderboard is showing four senior teams and three junior teams posting scoring numbers for the Hurricane Factory. The HF Chicks 4-way seniors took care of the two Open Class sequences (AAA - AA), and Accord added the A Class sequence to their June agenda. Mirek Team and Elements completed the 4-way senior participation for the month of June. HF Junior Cubs, Chameleons and Flying Rebels represented the new generation of Czech 4-way competitors in June.

Hurricane Factory - JuneAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
HF Chicks2119----40
HF Junior Cubs-1727---27
Mirek Team-92031--31
HF Junior Chameleons--1311141714
Flying Rebels--108118-

Hurricane Factory's Best of June211927311426138

4-way senior team Mirek
The Bad Boys, Flying Circus and CZ Ladies did not take on the June AAA/AA sequences. Jan Klapka said that his team resumes in July with training and competition. However, he is always busy with organizing Czech ICL team and coaching several of the Czech teams.

One of the teams that he is in charge of is the Mirek Team who have recently been posting scores for AA/A and RRR sequences. The video of the team's 31-pointer for the RRR Class sequence is showing Jan Klapka observing the Mirek performance from outside of the flying chamber.

The Mirek Team's 31-pointer was a new team record number for a RRR sequence and the first time with a 25+ score. Jan Klapka now has one more opportunity for a highscore with Team Mirek in this category. The all-female team Elements is already done with the R Class. The 28-pointer in May and the new 26-pointer for June move the team up into the RR Class.

The Hurricane Factory has once again taken the lead on the 14+ leaderboard for June.

Indoor Cloud League 2017
RankJune 14+P,4,H,16P,4,11P,H,7O,F,CM,P,HM,PTotal
1Hurricane FactoryCZ 21 19 27 31 14 26138
2iFLY TampaUS 18 17 13 15 20 20103
3iFLY DallasUS 15 12 15 18 20 1090
4Paraclete XPUS 23-----23
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