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Did You Know...

... that Pangaea videographer Anders Krabbenhøft won gold and silver in front and behind the camera?

Pangaea at the FAI Mondial 2016
posted Jul 15th, 2017 - Denmark held the national championships during the busy first week of July. Pangaea, national team in 4-way Open and defending 4-way champion, had no problem to win the 2017 title, even though the team had to go through a personnel change after the FAI Mondial 2016.

Kjetil Nordin had to step back due to health problems, and Ali Shahrohktash took his place. The new Pangaea member is only 23 years of age and probably the youngest Danish 4-way champion ever. Kjetil Nordin remembered that VAF Warrior Martin Mikkelsen was the youngest so far after winning the title at age 25 in 2011. Pangaea might also have the oldest Danish 4-way champion in the lineup at the same time. Peter Stræde is 42 years of age.

Kjetil Nordin himself is back in action. His team AirNuts is a combination of former AirPlay members and the video-suit flying team Why Nut's: "We did not have any ambition other than having fun. We gathered the team on shortest possible notice, as I was unable to jump at all until two weeks before the championship. We borrowed Mie Jusjong from Penta and Pangaea's videographer Anders Krabbenhøft for a pickup team."

Naturally, AirNuts did not have much time for preparations due to the double duties: "We only crept a single round, and by doing so, we had a wardrobe malfunction on Krabbe's 15-year old jump suit. His zipper broke on the 10-minute call, so we had to string him up like a ham, with duct tape, and hope for the best. A good time was had by all..."

Danish Nationals 2017
RankAAA Class17,22,O18,12,411,13,KN,10,C,LA,D,F,915,7,519,B,20J,3,Q,114,8,PG,2,H,ETotalAvg
2Air Nuts678910789813858.5
3Sky Riders846710647710696.9
RankA Class19,F6,L7,HN,O,K9,DJ,2G,A,CQ,421,BM,P,8TotalAvg
6The Unprepared0232101030121.2
Valkyrie at the FAI Mondial 2016
The 8.5 average was eventually enough for AirNuts to win the silver medals, and Pangaea videographer Anders Krabbenhøft won gold from behind the camera and silver in front of Timmi Tykiær Thomsen's camera.

Kjetil Nordin said that he was not quite sure if there are any Danish rules or regulations for such a medal situation:

"There were no complaints, and the low attendance in the AAA Class probably allowed more leeway than at a world championship when we asked for it, and the podium wouldn't be a sad 2-team event..."

Kjetil Nordin also pointed out Penta's videographer Michael Riber:

"He is 57 years old and did his first season of filming. We all know that age is not necessarily a show-stopper in skydiving, but to learn new skills at this age can be very challenging. He has been one of the most dedicated videographers ever and has developed enormously this season. Old dogs can learn new tricks..."

AAA gold and silver: Anders Krabbenhøft
The weather cooperated well in Denmark, and all ten rounds were completed in three days. This year's national championships had a good attendance. The total of nine teams in both categories (AAA - A) is the highest number of Danish teams since the ten teams in 2012.

The scoring level has declined in the two last years though, and the 13.0 winning average is the lowest one at national championships since the Sun Path Products NSL News has archived scores in Denmark (2005). Kjetil Nordin explained that the lower scores may be caused partially by the jump plane, which was a Cessna Caravan this year, compared to the traditional Skyvan exits.

The A Class competition featured the new and promising Danish 4-way team Penta, guided by Mie Jusjong, who trained and competed with Valkyria, Denmark's national team in 4-way Women at the FAI Mondial 2016.

Kjetil Nordin said that Penta has been showing great progression after serious training this year: "The 9.6 average in the A Class is one of the highest intermediate scores in Denmark in a long time, and definitely the highest first season score."

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