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Did You Know...

... that the British delegation is getting ready for the ESL Championship 2017?

AAA Class awards at the Czech Nationals 2017
posted Sep 4th, 2017 - A very busy meet week has come to its conclusion. It included the national championships in the Czech Republic and the Netherlands, who used the same competition draw. They were also joined by teams in Texas at the Dallas Super Cup 2017.

Team Orange won in the Netherlands and is the new national 4-way team, as it could be expected.

The Bad Boys maintained the top position in the Czech Republic, while HF Flying Circus finished with a new team record average for a 10-round meet, despite a relatively slow competition draw.

Dutch Project 20+ team Out of the Blue improved the team record average, as well, after the 14.0 average at the FAI World Cup 2017.

Last and not least, Cool Runnings, Dutch national team at the FAI World Meet 2014, posted the highest outdoor average in the long team history, as well.

September 2nd, 2017
RankAAA Class19,E,D,KF,15,3Q,14,C,1220,O,4J,16,G,6N,10,P,LH,21,1713,9,B11,5,72,1,MTotalAvg
1Team OrangeNL1814131417171716151515615.6
2Out of the BlueNL1614121414141416151314214.2
3HF Bad BoysCZ1612111114141413121313013.0
4Cool RunningsNL1612111111111112101211711.7
5HF Flying CircusCZ1099111010121391210510.5
5Gravity AbuseNL13111011111111691210510.5
8HF SkycentrumCZ69771097987797.9
10Relative TeamCZ6743777677616.1
Kate Lindsley with Volition at the World Challenge 2016
Some of the teams on last weekend's combined leaderboard will meet again soon at the ESL Championship 2017, this time at the same place and at the same time.

HF Flying Circus and HF Skycentrum will compete for the Czech delegation in Saarlouis, and teams from the Netherlands are usually visiting the fun event with a strong delegation.

Kate Lindsley, former 4mula member who competed with Heavenly Pests at this year's UK Nationals and who will represent the United Kingdom with Volition at the FAI Indoor World Meet 2017, explained how different and enjoyable the ESL Championship is:

"Despite competing at the British Nationals and World Cups/Championships, for me the ESL is still one of my favorite competitions. It has an atmosphere, and often closing party unlike any other 4-way event. It allows skydivers from all categories to compete against each other on an international level. I feel it has inspired and will continue to inspire British skydivers to progress their 4way skills and for some aim for a World Cup place in the future."

FAI World Cup 2017
Rank4-way OpenL,O,F,K,11C,3,713,2,G1,17,20TotalAvg
1NMP PCH HayaBusaBE 35 26 21 2010225.5
2RealFly-SionFR 35 26 20 2010125.3
3SDC Rhythm XPUS 33 24 20 169323.3
4Black CatRU 26 24 17 188521.3
5bUSA DefianceUS 26 22 16 178120.3
6AirbusDE 27 21 17 158020.0
7Espoir Saumur WeembiFR 25 19 16 187819.5
8Papea MasculinoES261912147117.8
8ISR FireFlashBE241814157117.8
11Airheads RealflyCH242013137017.5
12Espoir Maubeuge WeembiFR241712136616.5
12AtomiX YUUDE191913156616.5
17Tanay WolvesRU221614116315.8
20Out of the BlueNL181412125614.0
21Team C4SE171412115413.5
22Flyspot Sky4four PL18149115213.0
26Tyanno4us RexUK11118104010.0
26Atmosfera G4PT1210994010.0
Kate Lindsley with 4TheQueen at the ESL Championship 2016
Six British 4-way teams competed at the FAI World Cup 2017, and at least three other teams will compete for the UK delegation at the ESL Championship in three weeks. Kate Lindsley herself travels to Germany with AAA Class team 4TheQeeen. PTW member Ellie Southworth is in her lineup who competed in 4-way Women at last month's world cup. Project Ride the Dragon member Rich Cotton competed in 8-way in Saarlouis, and Phoenix member Jack Bradford completes the British AAA Class lineup. Mike Coleman is filming 4thequeen.

4TheQeeen was formed in 2012 for the sole purpose to attend the ESL Championship. The UK team first won silver medals in the Rookie Class and came back with a slightly different AAA Class line in 2016 placing 5th. This year's lineup plans to improve the 7.9 average of 2016 and push for a AAA Class medal and ESL Spirit points for the UK delegation.

Manticore, this time with Kara Prichard, Lizzie Attwood, Hayley Jones, Joe Mann and Merlin Felix Webster, will compete for the UK delegation in the AA Class. Ian Gerrish, bronze medal winner with Flying Fossils at the UK Nationals this year, Sarah Blanchard (Smash N Grab), Catherine Brown (Strong and Unstable) and Spencer Bailey join forces for the British team in the Rookie Class.

Registration for the ESL Championship is still open until the 19th of September.

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