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Did You Know...

... that Paraclete XP has moved dangerously close to iFLY Seattle on the ICL 14+ leaderboard?

Busy night: Kirk Verner with the AA Class lineup
posted Sep 6th, 2017 - The Indoor Cloud League leaderboard for the month of August is complete. Six teams submitted scores and videos for the 14+ sequences, four additional teams took on the six sequences for the smaller wind tunnel chambers.

Paraclete XP won the 14+ competition for the second consecutive time on the 14+ leaderboard, and the Hurricane Factory has come under pressure month by month.

However, the Bad Boys defended the top position in the Open Class (AAA/AA) once again successfully, and the additional domestic pressure (HF Chicks, HF Flying Circus) is probably helpful. Fast4ward XP ended up one point behind the Bad Boys for Paraclete in the AAA Class.

Fast4ward member James Hall and his player coach Kirk Verner teamed up with Phoenix XP member Lauren Byrd and Matt Acord to take on the second Open Class sequence without a slot switcher and ended up short by one point, as well.

No other ICL lineup came close to the Czech and the U.S. top scores in these two ICL categories.

Paraclete XP - AugustAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
James Hall, Matt Acord, Lauren Byrd, Kirk Verner-20----20
Ian Brennan, Annie Brennan, Jess Haugaard, Kirk Verner--22---22
Heather Pinsky, Jonathon Vaage, Dom Perry, Matt Acord---16--16
Greg Bush, Bubba Brunson, Jimmy Xu, Kirk Verner----19-19
Dee Caminiti, Paul Drye, Matt Acord, Lauren Byrd-----2121

Paraclete XP's Best of August222022161921120

Busy night: Kirk Verner with the RR Class lineup
James Hall, Kirk Verner and Lauren Byrd disbanded after the Indoor Cloud League competition and will face each other in different lineups soon at the USPA Nationals 2017.

Phoenix XP will compete in the AAA/Open Class to qualify as the U.S. national team in 4-way Women at the FAI World Meet 2018 in Australia.

Fast4ward XP will compete at the national championships, as well, and uses at least the same competition draw, either in the Advanced or in the Open Class.

Kirk Verner had another Fast4ward member in his RR Class lineup for the second player coach slot.

Jimmy Xu helped to guide new ICL competitors Greg Bush and Bubba Brunson through the RR Class sequence. He won a USPA gold medal in the AA/Intermediate Class last year with Z-Hills PreciZion and had to move up into the AAA/Advanced Class.

Phoenix XP member Lauren Byrd player coached Dee Caminiti and Paul Drye in the R Class, together with Matt Acord.

Indoor Cloud League 2017
RankAugust 14+N,21,H,10N,21,15N,H,21G,B,LM,N,HM,NTotal
1Paraclete XPUS 22 20 22 16 19 21120
2Hurricane FactoryCZ 23 21 19 20 14 16113
3iFLY SeattleUS 17 12 14 17 22 22104
4iFLY TampaUS 17 13 18 19 18 17102
5iFLY DallasUS 14 14 10 14 19 2192
6Flybox IsraelIL- 13 16- 12 1556
Busy night and highscore: Kirk Verner with the A Class lineup
Kirk Verner had a very busy Indoor Cloud League night, as he had a 4th lineup that was assigned to the A Class sequence. Jessica Haugaard, manager of Paraclete XP's ICL team, Annie and Ian Brennan followed his advice very successfully. The A Class lineup turned in the only highscore that the Paraclete team has on the August leaderboard.

The Bad Boys won the AAA and AA sequences for the Hurricane Factory, and the HF Junior Cubs added the 22-pointer in the RRR Class. Deb and Dave Correia won the other two Rookie Class sequences with different lineups for iFLY Seattle.

Paraclete XP still keeps cutting the distance to iFLY Seattle on the 14+ leaderboard, and there are four more months to go. The Hurricane Factory seems to be safely in 1st place at this point in time.

The Czech teams have completed their outdoor championship, as well, where the Bad Boys defended the national 4-way title successfully. The U.S. teams will be next, and Paraclete XP will have a strong outdoor presence in Perris, as well.

Indoor Cloud League 2017JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotal
Flying Chamber: 14+ Feet
1Hurricane FactoryCZ137132116112144138130113----1022
2iFLY SeattleUS13297109118128124104104----916
3Paraclete XPUS7373112119118135161120----911
4iFLY TampaUS1079510084104116117102----825
5iFLY DallasUS9785777297909392----703
7SkyVenture MontrealCA848294---------260
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