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Did You Know...

... that AtomiX YUU has meets and a lot of training scheduled for 2018?

AtomiX YUU at the ESL Championship 2017
posted Oct 6th, 2017 - The story of the AAA Class competition at the ESL Championship 2017 and the 4-point battle between AtomiX YUU from Germany and 6.1.0. from Italy actually began at their respective national championships.

Both teams had posted impressive scores with new team record averages, and they were in the mix for national medals. Sei Uno Zero (6.1.0.) ended up in 3rd place on their home turf in Fano, and AtomiX YUU even challenged the top favorite FSZ Saar Airbus 4-way team for the 4-way championship title in Germany.

Airbus still held off the challenger, this time by eight points (184 - 176) while AtomiX has now moved into serious striking distance. The team's consistent progression from a 12.2 average at their first national championships in 2013 to the 17.6 average at this year's German Nationals indicates that the established 4-way teams and competitors in Germany are now facing a serious threat.

Airbus won the 4-way title and will compete for Germany at the FAI World Meet 2018 in Australia; however, AtomiX does not stop at the 17.6 average and has made new plans for the 2018 season. Goal is to win the national championships next year and take the top position in Germany a year before the next qualification for the world meet in 2020.

ESL Championship 2017
RankAAA ClassESL3,10,11J,H,14,4C,21,B,218,Q,G,M13,A,5E,22,K,1720,19,D16,F,L,P7,N,156,12,1TotalAvg
1AtomiX YUUDE101417172116161622181116816.8
3Dark EnergyDE61215141812141319151114314.3
6HF Flying CircusCZ3111213141114131913912912.9

AtomiX YUU and coach Luc Verstrepen, former NMP PCH HayaBusa member, have been collecting international competition experiences for the team without qualifying as the national team for the World Championship of Formation Skydiving.

AtomiX YUU scoring progression since 2013
AtomiX has attended the FAI World Cup in 2015 and this year and competed for Germany at the World Air Games 2015. The team also won the ESL Championship consecutively in 2016 and 2017, after a 2nd place in 2014. The 1st place in the AAA Class over 6.1.0. helped to secure the 1st place of the German delegation at the ESL Championship.

AtomiX YUU was apparently not ready for the team's top performance during the rainy week at the FAI World Cup 2017 in Saarlouis, where home team Airbus delivered a 20.0 average after Round 4 and was only one point behind the strongest amateur team in the world, the Mass Defiance lineup in Germany.

The situation was very different two weeks later when both teams met again, this time in the northern part of Germany. Airbus underperformed (18.4) while AtomiX finished with the team's new record average. Result was the 8-point difference between the two teams, which is the smallest margin in the history of the two teams.

German Nationals 2017
RankAAA/Open ClassP,D,3,1613,14,9F,11,N,2J,7,517,14,MB,8,1822,Q,O,20K,10,15E,1,G,6A,L,19,21TotalAvg
1Airbus FSZ Saar1916202220171715182018418.4
2AtomiX YUU Skydive1815182218161715181917617.6
3NeVa FSZ SAAR1612161717121212141514314.3
3Dark Energy1613131715131512151414314.3
6Skyfall Illertissen1511121713121311131413113.1
7Paranodon Eyjafjallajökull1111141512121412131312712.7
9Wolf Pack1411121112121210141412212.2
10FlashFour - Soest81012121291210131010810.8
11HorschD FSZ SAAR107111099771212949.4
124 xmpl8811810897810878.7

AtomiX did not come back to the 17+ average at the ESL Championship three weeks later back in Saarlouis and also benefited from a weaker 6.1.0. performance compared to the Italian Nationals 2017.

Serious threat: AtomiX YUU versus Airbus since 2013
However, the 1st place in the AAA Class won the 10 ESL points for the German delegation, and the AtomiX thoughts were already focused on the 2018 season.

Team speaker Peter Ingenhaag, in the tail slot for AtomiX since 2013, said that his team was very happy with this year's results: "All in all we had an awesome season – way way better than expected if you know that our new member Mark came from a 12.0 average team. He quickly adapted to our speed and flying style, and we could even increase our own previous performance level by a point average with him after only 200 training jumps."

AtomiX feels that there is much more potential in the new lineup for the 2018 season: "Plans are almost ready and agreed on. We will surely stay together and try to beat the German national team next year." Once again, AtomiX has several meets on the 2018 schedule, and "a lot of training", as Peter Ingenhaag said...

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