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Did You Know...

... that Round one of the SSL June meet is now on NSL-TV?

Weather watch from the NSL office in Russia this morning
posted Jul 2nd, 2005 - The weather in Russia is much better today and beats the actual forecast. In fact, the drop zone in Stupino is very busy as most of the teams try to make up for the missed training opportunities in the previous days. Saturday and Sunday are the last days for training before the competition will begin on Monday.

However, the NSL office in Russia managed to squeeze in a new round of NSL-TV before the coverage of the Malevsky Memorial Cup 2005 will get the full and only attention of the NSL News. Southwest Skydiving League Director Pamela Stevens and Jana Parker, meet director at the last SSL meet in Perris, worked together to provide the footage and the information that is needed to feature a new round of NSL-TV, which was uploaded from Russia.

The last SSL meet in Perris had a record participation with a total of 18 teams, and the scores were just as impressive as the meet attendance. The SSL management will soon follow up with a more detailed meet story. The NSL-TV audience has already the opportunity to watch most of the teams with their first round of the meet on NSL-TV.
Elsinore GT's round one - see video
The competition draw was once again on the faster side, and round one of the AAA Class had the second fastest sequence of the 6-round competition (D-N-15-F) with a total of 166 points for the 11 teams, which makes it an average score of 15.1 for each team in this round. Only round six (17-L-C-9) was faster with a total of 180 points and a 16.4 average per team.

Elsinore GT attended the team's first competition of the 2005 season and began with an impressive 16.0 meet average in Perris. Player coach Thomas Hughes (Point) has guided Steve Miller (Inside Center), Robert May (Tail) and Jon Martens (Outside Center) to a new performance level this year. EGT features the sequence of round one, and the NSL News will follow up soon with a team profile.

Perris Snatch Force's round one - see video
The AA Class teams had a shorter but slower sequence. The easy Open Accordian (F) at the end of the AAA Class sequence was not a part of the AA Class sequence (D-N-15), and Block 15 (Cat - Cat) came back earlier for the AA Class teams on each page than for the AAA Class teams. However, the AA Class teams still handled the sequence very well, and the scores for the first round (37 points - 9.3 average) ended up tied in second place behind round six (47 total - 11.8 average). The sequence for round one is featured by the new SSL team Perris Snatch Force.
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