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Did You Know...

... that Niklas Hemlin explained Arizona Airspeed's 2018 plans on NSL Live Talk?

USPA gold medals in Perris 2017
posted Nov 9th, 2017 - The NSL News has covered the situation of Arizona Airspeed after the USPA Nationals 2017 and the FAI Indoor World Meet 2017 as a part of several aftermath stories.

Today's news update is still very different, as the information was provided live by Airspeed captain Niklas Hemlin. His team is on a short vacation before the preparations for the 2018 season will begin, and he took the time to discuss the most interesting topics that came up after the results at the last two major events.

Airspeed had tough opponents at both meets, which included the reigning 4-way indoor and outdoor world champions from Belgium, NMP PCH HayaBusa. Niklas Hemlin said that his team was still mostly looking at the SDC Rhythm XP scores only in Perris, while they were trying to deliver the performance level that they had trained for.

He said that Airspeed was impressed when they found themselves one point behind Rhythm after Round 4. They realized that they had to pick up the pace if they wanted to win, and it became a tricky situation. Plan was to deliver the desired and planned performance quality, while this did not seem enough to outscore Rhythm. The scoreboard after Round 4 was showing a picture that did not fit to the plan.

USPA Nationals 2017
Rank4-way OpenO,4,9G,21,A,HN,D,J,14L,16,12K,19,6E,2,10P,11,1517,3,22F,7,1Q,5,M,20TotalAvg
1NMP PCH HayaBusaBE3133282325232322313127027.0
2Arizona AirspeedUS2732292224222123292925825.8
3SDC Rhythm XPUS2931282322202319282925225.2
FAI Indoor World Meet 2017
Rank4-way Open16,P,122,8,H22,20,315,D,4A,J,6,L7,M,195,Q,2118,B,17G,14,C,NK,E,10,11F,O,9,ETotalAvg
1NMP PCH HayaBusaBE30292530473334343728-32732.7
2Weembi High RollersFR30292630413532323728-32032.0
3Arizona AirspeedUS292824294132273135265930230.2
4Black CatRU302724303934322833255830230.2
Niklas Hemlin said though that it was not only the pace that was too slow. Airspeed had to lift the performance quality to a higher level, which would automatically result in higher scores. He is one of the most experienced current 4-way competitors
in the world and still owns the highest 4-way outdoor average in history (27.9) that Airspeed's 2012 lineup had posted at the FAI Mondial Dubai 2012.

He was able to change the course of the Airspeed performance in Perris at the right time and secure the USPA gold medals in the second half of the meet.

Airspeed did not spend too much time with observing the HayaBusa performance. It was more important to win the U.S. duel, which was necessary to get on the path to meet the Belgians next year in Australia for the FAI gold medal competition.

However, NMP PCH HayaBusa has now become the major target, and the FAI Indoor World Meet in Montreal became the first step on the extremely challenging road to closing the distance within a year and stopping HayaBusa from completing their mission of three consecutive sets of 4-way gold medals.

Airspeed's plan includes a lot of meet practice. In fact, the best U.S. team will reduce the number of training jumps from 1,000 to 800 and accommodate the busy meet schedule, which includes several indoor events, beginning with the Wind Games in February 2018, followed by Paraclete XP Indoor Championships and World Challenge.

FAI Mondial Dubai 2012
Rank4way Open - Top 65,12,E6,D,B,KO,8,7N,13,1810,21,M19,H,11C,G,1,A20,9,1516,F,P,Q2,J,4TotalAvg
1Arizona AirspeedUS2734272223233225402627927.9
2NMP-PCH HayabusaBE2534272123243227402527827.8
3Aerodyne AerokartFR2630272123252923372426526.5
5Sky Panthers BarkliRU1929222121182820352023323.3

Airspeed will also attend four outdoor meets before traveling to Australia, and the Shamrock Showdown 2018 is the first one. Paraclete's Summer Classic and a 4-way competition in Texas will lead to the USPA Nationals 2018, which takes place a month before the world meet.

Airspeed lineup at the USPA Nationals 1999
The timing seems to be perfect and well planned, and Niklas Hemlin said that it was very important for his team to learn from previous experiences in similar situations.

He was looking at the Airspeed situation in 1999, when the USPA Nationals took place approx. a month before the world meet, which was hosted by Australia.

The situation is almost identical next year, and Niklas Hemlin wants a different result than Airspeed's 1999 team. The 4-way lineup competed also in 8-way and ended up behind the French 4-way team in 2nd place.

Dan BC and Jack Jefferies have been consulting the current Airspeed with their first-hand 1999 experiences, even though Airspeed 2018 will not compete in 8-way. NMP PCH HayaBusa has already withdrawn from 8-way competition in Australia...

FAI World Meet 1999
Rank4way Open - Top 79,24,AO,M,2,Q14,P,1119,3,15N,8,12C,1,E,20K,23,17B,16,21L,22,J,7G,5,6TotalAvg
2Arizona AirspeedUS2324191617261919201920220.2
3DeLand NorgiesNO2123161716232019201619119.1
4Sebastian XLUK2123161717231817201819019.0
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