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Did You Know...

... that the Qatar Tigers posted a new team record score from a Pilatus Porter?

Qatar Tigers at the FAI Indoor World Meet 2017
posted Nov 27th, 2017 - One of the most recent 4-way competitions was a part of the 18th Asiania International Parachuting Championships 2017, which took place in China this year.

The FAI affiliated Asiania Parachute Federation is hosting the event annually for countries in the Asian and Australasian areas.

Six 4-way teams competed in China last week, and the scheduled 10-round meet was concluded after Round 8.

One of the six teams is well known in the international Formation Skydiving community, and the world class team from Qatar, the Tigers, had no problem at all to win the gold medals, with China's national 4-way team placing 2nd.

Both teams had also competed just a few weeks ago at the FAI Indoor World Meet 2017 in Montreal, while the Asiania was an outdoor competition.

The Qatar Tigers had filled the time period between the event in Canada and the trip to China with some outdoor training at Skydive City in Florida to switch back to the outdoor environment.

FAI Indoor World Meet 2017
Rank4-way Open16,P,122,8,H22,20,315,D,4A,J,6,L7,M,195,Q,2118,B,17G,14,C,NK,E,10,11TotalAvg
1NMP PCH HayaBusaBE3029253047333434372832732.7
2Weembi High RollersFR3029263041353232372832032.0
3Arizona AirspeedUS2928242941322731352630230.2
4Black CatRU3027243039343228332530230.2
5Qatar TigersQA2821242736312327292627227.2
6Satori XLUK2323212138292526322326126.1
8Amnesya Fly-InIT2521182329282422312024124.1
9Papea SpainES2420182129262321262022822.8
11HF Bad BoysCZ2120172032212221232221921.9
12China 4-way GoldCN1918161826221918222019819.8

The Tigers had attended four consecutive indoor events in the past 12 months, and the team's last outdoor competition was the FAI Mondial 2016. The Tigers were used to switch back and forth between indoor and outdoor competition until the outdoor break came by surprise at the end of the 2016 season.

China at the FAI Indoor World Meet 2017
The Qatar Tigers are back in outdoor action now, and it was a difficult re-start into 4-way outdoor competition in China, even though there was no serious challenger for the world class team.

The jump plane was a Pilatus Porter with the exit door on the right side, which created the most difficult part of the competition for the Tigers.

It was impossible to maintain Qatar's outdoor scoring level, as the combination of exit and sub-terminal page from the right-hand door was very time-consuming.

The lack of exit experience from a Pilatus Porter also forced the Tigers to launch a Star (M) for each round, which added to the loss of working time for the actual sequences.

The Tigers had finished in 5th place with a 22.6 average at the last world meet and had to accept a significantly lower meet average in China as a result of the jump plane situation at the Asiania.

Asiania 2017
RankAAA ClassP,10,198,1,2G,13,1521,Q,125,11,9L,4,1720,3,14D,F,M,C,OTotalAvg
1Qatar TigersQA181514171720154015619.5
Qatar Tigers at the FAI Mondial 2016
There was still at least one reward for the Qatar Tigers for the trip to China and the first outdoor competition after a 1-year break. Round 8 brought a Super Sequence of five random formations (D,F,M,C,O) to all teams, and the Tigers could take advantage of the situation with a new team record number, despite the jump plane situation.

The 40-pointer is the highest score that the team has posted at any indoor or outdoor meets. The 39-pointer at the Wind Games 2017 (L,N,7,9) was the highest number so far at an indoor competition. The highest outdoor score was the 36-pointer in Round 8 (L,M,K,7) at the FAI Mondial 2016.

The Tigers will now take a break and then resume fully in January with the preparations for the FAI World Meet 2018 in Australia. Coach Jérémie Rollett has several competitions on the 2018 schedule for the Qatar team, including Wind Games, Shamrock Showdown and French Indoor Nationals, and he may add even more meets to the 2018 agenda.

It's a long year coming for all national teams, as the world meet is scheduled for mid-October...

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