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Did You Know...

... that new Russian 4-way Women team TochkaG may own a new world record?

New Bubble Struggle lineup at the Russian Indoor Nationals 2017
posted Dec 20th, 2017 - The leaderboard of the Russian Nationals 2017 that was posted with yesterday's update was missing one team. TochkaG had a separate leaderboard and was officially the winner of the 4-way Women competition. Both Russian all-female teams, Bubble Struggle and TochkaG, yet applied the same competition draw, and the combined leaderboard allows a direct comparison of the scores.

Russia's national team and silver medalist in 4-way Women at the FAI World Cup 2017 in Saarlouis, Bubble Trouble, had signed up for the 4-way Open Class competition at the Russian national indoor championships and finished in 3rd place with a team record 24.9 average.

The team name at the Russian Indoor Nationals, Bubble Struggle, indicates that there was a personnel change after the outdoor competition in Germany. Yulia Shuvaeva has replaced Zhanna Kazakova who was in the original Bubble lineup at the indoor meet in May and then won the silver medal for Russia in Saarlouis.

Yulia Shuvaeva had also taken Zhanna Kazakova's slot when she stepped back after a year with the Infra Red Band in 2013. She competed with the team at the FAI World Meet 2014 in Prostejov, and the Infra Red Band then continued for two more years throughout the FAI Mondial 2016 in Ottawa.

Russian Indoor Nationals 2017
RankAAA ClassA,17,227,10,2O,5,151,P,124,13,19Q,21,K,3N,B,C,L,14G,18,11F,J,M,9D,20,H,8TotalAvg
1Black Cat2622302723293825592930830.8
3Bubble Struggle2219232118233121472424924.9
7No Limits1916161615182512331518518.5
9Noviy Povorot1614141511142213341416716.7
Russia Indoor May 2017
RankAAA Class18,17,M16,11,G10,19,AF,8,J,43,20,N2,P,C,1221,6,D9,14,5E,7,22K,O,15,HTotalAvg
1Black Cat2624242522252527263626026.0
3Bubble Trouble2620212419222627232723523.5
Infra Red Band at the FAI World Cup 2013
New Bubble member Yulia Shuvaeva competed against two former Infra Red Band members at the Russian Indoor Nationals, even though their scores were posted on the separate 4-way Women leaderboard.

TochkaG's point Evgenia Korjova was an original Infra Red Band member. She competed with Bubble Trouble member Zhanna Kazakova at the FAI World Cup 2013 in Banja Luka and continued with the team until the end of the 2016 season.

Marinka Pukareva had joined the Infra Red Band for the 2016 season. She competed at the FAI Mondial 2016 in Ottawa and at the national championships in Tanay. Evgenia Korzhova and Marinka Pukareva then joined forces with Anna Linkova and Anastasia Tupicina for the new TochkaG lineup.

All four team members knew each other from training and competition in Russia. Infra Red Band competed under DZ Grozniy at the national championships in 2016, where Anna Linkova and Anastasia Tupicina were in the Girls lineup. Evgenia Korzhova and Marinka Pukareva won the meet with the Grozniy team before they formed TochkaG for the 2017 season.

Russian Nationals 2016
RankAAA ClassE,21,7F,1,D,KG,8,C,JH,19,3Q,4,115,22,B15,10,O18,20,AM,12,L,913,P,214,16,NTotalAvg
1Black Cat25272523202216192118-21621.6
3XO Team202219151714141620141317117.1
3DOSAAF RO222019211414141617141317117.1
5Tanay Wolves19191815151311151714-15615.6
6DZ Grozniy15211717161213131611-15115.1
7Tanayskiy Pryanik15171514131310121511-13513.5
TochkaG at the Russian Indoor Nationals 2017
TochkaG has plans for the 2018 season, as well. Bubble Trouble won the national indoor championship and is the national team in 4-way Women. However, next year's FAI/IPC indoor event is a world cup, where up to four teams can compete for a country in each category. The new all-female team plans to compete at the World Challenge 2018 in Bedford and travel to Bahrain for the FAI Indoor World Cup 2018.

The 23.5 average was a very promising start. TochkaG even won a round over Bubble Struggle and tied two other scores.

The 51-pointer for the fast sequence in Round 9 was not only four points better than the Bubble score, it also tied IFS-Moscow's 51-pointer in the same round.

It is the highest indoor score that an all-female team has posted ever since FAI/IPC added indoor competition to the list of sanctioned events with world records. The French Weembi Girls own the current highscore in 4-way Women after the 38-pointer in Round 5 at the FAI Indoor World Meet 2017. TochkaG may take it away from France if Russia files for official recognition. Only 4-way Women team Aerokart Deep Blue ever scored higher with the 59-pointer for the Super Sequence in Round 2 of the World Challenge 2010...

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