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Did You Know...

... that the original Airspeed lineup was six points short of three consecutive 4-way gold medals?

Original Arizona Airspeed lineup
posted Jan 16th, 2018 - The NSL News update on 27 December 2017 pointed out that three NMP PCH HayaBusa members (Dennis Praet, David and Andy Grauwels) could re-write 4-way history after winning their third consecutive 4-way world championship title together this year in Australia.

This will be the unique achievement for a 3-way. The most successful 2-way will still be Philippe Schorno and Eric Fradet who won 4-way medals consecutively for France in 1987, 1989, 1991 and 1993.

The strong French 2-way connection of this time period was in fact the reason for the start of the Arizona Airspeed team franchise in 1994. The top competitors from the east and west coast in the United States were tired of competing against each other and losing to the French teams.

Dan BC and Jack Jefferies discussed the situation with Kirk Verner, who had been competing on both U.S. sides, and the result was the first and original Airspeed lineup with Jack Jefferies, Mark Kirkby, Kirk Verner and Dan BC. The same story concluded with the summary that three teams share the historic record of two consecutive gold medals with identical lineups: France in 1987/1989 and 1991/1993 and Arizona Airspeed's original lineup in 1995/1997.

FAI World Meet 2014
Rank4-way OpenE,3,C,5F,6,D,2119,H,2M,4,1O,14,A,P8,J,167,11,1222,20,1517,G,1813,B,9TotalAvg
1NMP-PCH HayabusaBE3229252533252218262926426.4
2Arizona AirspeedUS3127252431232217242925325.3
FAI World Meet 2016
Rank4-way Open12,A,1618,15,O1,F,E,C17,B,1410,2,2021,11,GJ,5,19L,M,K,7D,8,43,13,QTotalAvg
1NMP PCH HayaBusaBE2425352619222739232226226.2
2Arizona AirspeedUS2123312618222740232325425.4
FAI/IPC medals at World Championships of Formation Skydiving since 1985
Second NMP PCH HayaBusa gold at the FAI Mondial 2016
The story was wrapped around the fact that the HayaBusa 3-way can win their third consecutive gold medals this year. However, the Belgian world champions would then also become the fourth team with two consecutive world championship titles for the same lineup. Dennis Praet, David and Andy Grauwels would win their third gold medals with the newest HayaBusa member Jeroen "Bob" Nollet, who collected his first one at the FAI Mondial 2016.

The same story did not point out how close Airspeed's original lineup actually was to the unprecedented triple-gold record. Jack Jefferies, Mark Kirkby, Kirk Verner and Dan BC added a new 2-year period to the team commitment after winning the second set of FAI gold medals in 1997.

They also added 8-way training and competition to the Airspeed agenda. Goal was obviously to win the third consecutive set of 4-way gold medals for Airspeed in Spain 2001 and bring the William H. Ottley Sword for 8-way Formation Skydiving Competition, also known as the Excalibur, to Eloy, as well.

The four original Airspeed members actually won their third consecutive FAI gold medals in Spain, while it was not in the same event. Airspeed won gold in 8-way and silver in 4-way.

FAI World Meet 1999
Rank4-way Open9,24,AO,M,2,Q14,P,1119,3,15N,8,12C,1,E,20K,23,17B,16,21L,22,J,7G,5,6TotalAvg
2Arizona AirspeedUS2324191617261919201920220.2
3DeLand NorgiesNO2123161716232019201619119.1
4Sebastian XLUK2123161717231817201819019.0
17Monkey CircusAT1379111015912--8610.8
18New ZealandNZ121167911109--759.4

It was the new French 4-way team that kept Airspeed from winning the third time and taking both Excalibur swords back to the United States, where they had been since 1995.

France at the FAI World Meet 1999
image by: Omniskore
France had a new makeover of the national 4-way team after the last 4-year period with two more gold medals for France in 1991 and 1993. Eric Fradet continued after his 4th world title, together with his team mate of the last four years, Jérôme David. They had Claude Tzifkansky and Paul Grisoni in the new lineup and lost to Airspeed in 1995.

Jérôme David then switched to the full-time position of the national coach and changed the selection procedures in France. Davide Moy, Thierry Boitieux and the Ferre brothers Martial and Marin, with Laurent Pechberty on camera, became the new national 4-way team and finished only four points behind Airspeed in their second year at the FAI World Meet 1997 in Turkey.

They were ready after two more years of only 4-way training, while Airspeed had to split 4-way and 8-way preparations.

It was still a close competition with a 6-point difference in 1999; however, Airspeed did not get to the third set of consecutive 4-way gold medals and did not come back as a 4-way team after Australia 1999. The historic record of three consecutive 4-way gold medals for the same lineup is still open for grabs, and NMP PCH HayaBusa would have the opportunity in 2020 - if they win this year in Australia...

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