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Did You Know...

... that Arizona Airspeed had not jumped from a Cessna Caravan before coming to DeLand?

$1,000 for the winner from Skydive DeLand
posted Mar 18th, 2018 - The eight teams from four different countries at the Shamrock Showdown 2018 have a deserved day off after the completion of the 10-round meet on Saturday. This time, they can use the perfect weather conditions to rest and enjoy Central Florida and the beaches.

All seven teams completed six rounds on Friday and four more on Saturday, and SCZ ZEUS was done on Saturday afternoon with all ten rounds.

The five national teams from France (Aerodyne Realfly, Aerodyne Weembi Girls), United States (Arizona Airspeed), Qatar (Tigers) and Paraguay (Adventure Flyers) made all ten rounds from the Cessna Caravan, the same aircraft that will be used at the FAI World Meet 2018 in Australia.

SDC Rhythm XP, FL Defiance and SCZ ZEUS jumped from the Twin Otter, the jump plane at the USPA Nationals 2018.

The leaderboard includes links to the original InTime judging videos with the additional details of the point deductions.

Shamrock Showdown 2018
RankAAA ClassB,J,17,20M,10,O,3Q,22,2A,D,P,F,16N,12,1415,9,CK,4,G,E21,1,137,6,11H,5,19TotalAvg
1Arizona AirspeedUS 28(-1) 26 24 34(-1) 21 29(-2) 31 20(-1) 23 2826426.4
2SDC Rhythm XPUS 27 23 23 33(-1) 18 27 29 20 23 2524824.8
3Aerodyne RealflyFR 27 24(-1) 21(-1) 28(-4) 17 28 31(-1) 19 23 2724524.5
4Aerodyne Weembi GirlsFR 26(-1) 23 21(-1) 33(-1) 15(-2) 26 27 19 22 23(-1)23523.5
5Qatar TigersQA 25 23 22 29(-2) 17 25 26(-2) 18 21 2322922.9
6FL DefianceUS 16 14(-1) 8(-4) 15(-3) 12 16 16(-1) 13 15(-1) 1514014.0
7SCZ ZEUSUS 12 12(-2) 12 12(-1) 9(-1) 12 13 11 11 10(-1)11411.4
8Adventure FlyersPY 11 11 9 14 9 11 10(-1) 6(-1) 9 1010010.0
New: Airspeed exit from Cessna Caravan
Almost all of the teams finished with new team record averages in DeLand, even though it was not a fast competition draw. The perfect meet conditions may have supported the athletic performances.

Arizona Airspeed's new 26.4 record average of the new lineup is almost at the same level (26.5) where the previous lineup finished at the USPA Nationals 2016.

It is also dangerously close to the highest outdoor average (27.0) that the current lineup of NMP PCH HayaBusa posted at the USPA Nationals 2017.

The Airspeed performance is even more impressive considering the aircraft situation. Niklas Hemlin told the NSL News that his team had no exit training from the Cessna Caravan before coming to DeLand. The six training jumps on Thursday were the first ones from this plane.

Ari Perelman added that he has probably made only freeflying jumps from a Cessna Caravan, and videographer David French had to learn how to film the exits, as well.

Shamrock Showdown Skins Game scores after handicap and winners
Much better second day: Aerodyne Realfly with $600
The Shamrock Showdown included once again the popular Skins Game, where teams can win cash prizes round by round.

Arizona Airspeed took home the $1,000 for the 1st place that Skydive DeLand put out for the winner of the competition before handicap. The other DeLand sponsored $1,000 are for the five winners of the last five rounds.

Round 6 was already completed on Friday, and the French national team in 4-way Open, Aerodyne Realfly, won the first $200 skin. The disappointing first day of the competition, where the French team ended up 17 points behind Airspeed, had a happy end when Airspeed lost two points in Round 6, and France won at least the money. The French total of the four jumps on Saturday was only two points less than Airspeed's number, and it included two ties for the highest scores. The much better second day for Aerodyne Realfly was rewarded with two more skins and a total of $600.

Pickup team FL Defiance used the first six rounds for more warm-up opportunities after a few training jumps on Thursday and was compensated for the lower scores on Friday with two skins and $400 on Saturday.

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