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Did You Know...

... that the youngest Czech 4-way junior teams posted new record averages in March?

Help for the HF Bad Boys: Dagmar Bezděková and Martina Vavackova
posted Mar 19th, 2018 - Indoor competition continued, while the Shamrock Showdown 2018 generated the first outdoor scores of the world meet season.

The teams in the Czech Republic completed their March competition of the World Tunnel League and opened this month's leaderboard with a total of 13 teams.

The HF Chicks did not attend this time, and the HF Bad Boys could fend off HF Flying Circus without much trouble. Both teams worked together once again, as the Bad Boys were missing point Marián Jeziak. Flying Circus member Dagmar Bezdeková was helping out for the first time. Her team mate Martina Vavackova had filled open slots for the Bad Boys a few times before.

The HF Bad Boys forwarded the favor to another team that needed help. Jan Klapka and Vaclav Prokes filled open slots for Accord and collected new experiences in unusual slots.

Bad Boys tail Jan Klapka took Accord's outside center slot, while Vaclav Prokes switched from inside center to point. The rear piece of the Bad Boys was re-united, only in the front piece this time and in switched slots.

World Tunnel League March 2018
RankAAA ClassP,6,E,1721,15,L9,F,G,3B,K,C,11D,5,147,N,O,1618,13,810,2,19Q,A,12,14,20,HTotalAvg
1HF Bad Boys2721282523251517181521421.4
2HF Flying Circus2217252619241518181920320.3
3Skydive University Slovakia2117232418221514161918918.9
RankAA ClassP,6,1821,159,F,GB,K,C,11D,L,147,N,O13,82,19Q,A,14,20TotalAvg
1HF Cubs1919292220261516141519519.5
3M Team11112113121891114912912.9
RankA ClassP,E,21G,O,69,FB,K,CD,L,H7,N8,J2,19Q,A,M4,PTotalAvg
3HF Junior Chameleons11101010107881410989.8
4HF Flying Rebels9101078968149909.0
1HF Dragonflies889107710998858.5
Czech 4-way juniors with David Grauwels
The personnel changes and double duties made it more challenging for the three teams that were involved, and none of them was able to break their previous team record averages. However, the Skydive University team from Slovakia finished with their highest AAA Class average since they have taken on the complete dive pool with the beginning of the Czech indoor season in November, when they started with a 16.3 average.

The other exciting part of the Czech indoor competition was once again the progression of the Czech junior teams.

HF Chameleons and HF Flying Rebels started in the A Class in November after previous Rookie Class experiences. The Chameleons were behind in the first three meets and have now caught up with the Rebels. In fact, they won the March competition by eight points. Both teams posted new record averages and highscores. They had 11- and 12-pointers as the highest scores for a round before the March competition and both posted 14-pointers for the random sequence in Round 9.

The all-female lineup of the HF Dragonflies finished with a new team record average, as well, and they may beat the 10-average benchmark before their first Rookie Class season will be over.

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