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Did You Know...

... that Amnesya finished with a new Italian indoor record average at Weembi?

First meet with new lineup: Amnesya at Wind Games
posted Mar 30th, 2018 - The Italian duel between the reigning national outdoor champions of eX3MO and the reigning national indoor champions of Amnesya had its next stage at the French Indoor Nationals 2017.

It is not really a serious indoor duel any longer, as the outdoor challenger has moved quite far away from eX3MO's 4-way veterans when it comes to indoor competition. Former eX3MO member Mario Fatturoso, who had joined the Amnesya lineup with the beginning of the 2018 season, has made the team even stronger, and last weekend's 26.8 is a new team record average.

Mario Fatturoso had trained and competed with eX3MO until the FAI Mondial 2012 and before he turned to canopy piloting. He came back to 4-way competition last year when Amnesya was looking for a new team member. He mentioned in the new NSL Live Talk that things have changed a lot since 2012 and that he has been re-learning techniques and details on a regular basis.

The name of his new team, which stands for memory loss, as the original team members confirmed, might be a helpful reminder that a lot of his previous 4-way experiences have to be left behind or changed. NMP PCH HayaBusa member David Grauwels has been giving Amnesya direction and coaching, and the results are showing.

French Indoor Nationals 2018
Rank4-way AAA/Open Class7,Q,13L,H,O,13,19,F15,A,8N,K,17,186,M,B,4C,E,12,11J,2,20P,9,1610,D,G,21TotalAvg
1Aerodyne Weembi GirlsFR 29 37 31 28 33 33 29 26352931031.0
2Qatar TigersQA 29 39 31 26 27 34 28 28342730330.3
2Aerodyne RealflyFR 29 36 28 28 30 34 29 26352830330.3
4AmnesyaIT 24 33 26 26 28 30 25 20332326826.8
5Gavroche WeembiFR 25 29 27 24 27 30 23 20302325825.8
6Weembi LegionFR 25 31 23 22 24 28 23 22282224824.8
7Odin Parachute SystemFR 23 29 26 22 23 28 23 22292024524.5
8Espoir Weembi LilleFR 24 30 23 21 21 25 23 19292223723.7
9HF eX3MOIT 24 29 22 20 23 28 18 22271923223.2
10TenanineMR 21 29 24 19 23 22 22 19292323123.1
Amnesya and eX3MO at Italian Nationals 2017
Amnesya was not looking at the eX3MO scores at Weembi Lille, as they had defined a new target. The French team Gavroche Weembi had finished in front of the Italians at the Wind Games, and goal was to change the outcome.

Gavroche Weembi had to replace Julien Degen with Thomas Perrin and scored lower on their home turf, while Amnesya posted the Italian indoor record average.

However, the indoor season is almost over, and Amnesya will re-focus on outdoor competition as soon as the trip to Norway for the European Indoor Championship is completed. eX3MO will once again become the main target.

One of the updates from Italy last year mentioned that there was trouble with the scheduling of national championships and sanctioning of Italy's national teams for the FAI World Meet 2018.

The problems seem to be resolved, and there will be a qualification event approx. a month before the trip to Australia. Amnesya and eX3MO both plan to compete for Italy downunder, and only one team will win the tickets.

French Indoor Nationals 2018
Rank8-way Open11,9,813,2,M12,4,A3,P,C,10H,N,Q,15,16,B19,L,J,21E,15,18G,7,D,17O,6,K,FTotalAvg
1Weembi Elder 8FR 23 19 34 32 37 29 21 28 26 2827727.7
2Qatar FalconsQA 17 21 32 30 35 30 23 26 25 3026926.9
3Weembi GirlsFR 21 21 31 27 34 28 24 25 27 3026826.8
4Veloce QRFIN 17 18 29 24 33 23 18 26 20 2323123.1
5Fan8ics IT 17 17 26 20 30 21 17 20 16 2220620.6
6Vair8maxxxxFR 16 16 25 18 27 22 16 21 19 2220220.2
7Insomniaques WeembiFR 15 15 22 22 22 21 17 20 18 2319519.5
8After 8FR 15 15 21 19 24 20 17 20 19 2019019.0
9Shamapasl'air Clermont FR 12 15 22 22 21 20 16 20 17 2218718.7
10PCP Coyotes JCMFR 14 12 20 19 19 16 13 19 17 1616516.5
11Project Ride the DragonUK 15 13 17 18 17 20 13 18 16 1716416.4
12Monaco SkyDream TeamMC 11 12 22 16 18 17 12 18 16 1816016.0
13WitBiz FR 12 12 19 14 21 15 12 14 16 1715215.2
14Lazy Functors Corbas St Flo NordFR 11 11 12 13 16 14 9 14 14 1512912.9
8-way gold medals with Weembi Girls: Chiara Brunetti
The national championship will be the first outdoor competition for the new Amnesya lineup with the former eX3MO member, while the reigning outdoor champions have continued with the same lineup.

eX3MO and Amnesya were both involved in the Weembi 8-way competition, as well. The complete eX3MO lineup joined forces with Amnesya member Giuseppe Cossu and three former eX3MO members and friends (Antonella Chiarin, Giovanni Carne, Fabio Lorenzetti) to compete in 8-way with Fan8ics, after two hours of indoor training. Giuseppe Cossu said that the 8-way project will probably continue.

A second Amnesya member competed in 8-way, as well. Chiara Brunetti had joined the Weembi Girls for last year's 8-way competition at the French Indoor Nationals and was back in the lineup last weekend. The Weembi Girls became the official French 8-way champions, even though Chiara Brunetti made it clear that she is Italian and will not compete for France.

The Fan8ics were a guest team and placed 4th on the Open Class leaderboard, 5th on the combined one. FAI/IPC have not sanctioned 8-way indoor competition yet...

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