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Did You Know...

... that HF Cubs are focusing on the AAA Class dive pool?

Czech 4-way junior competitors
posted Mar 31st, 2018 - The March competition of the Indoor Cloud League comes to an end, while the last major events of the indoor season are around the corner. The six new ICL April sequences for 12+ and 14+ flying chambers have been posted and are ready to be used throughout the next month.

The Hurricane Factory opened up the 14+ leaderboard for the six March sequences with a total of 125 points, which is exactly the same number that the Czech teams combined for in February.

It's a different combination of Czech 4-way teams though who posted their scores for the month of March. Bad Boys and Accord were back with highscores for the three technical sequences (AAA - AA - A), while the three Rookie Class sequences (RRR - RR - R) were taken care of by three different teams.

Ladies & Gentlemants is a new team that joined the Czech indoor 4-way world with the beginning of the 2017/2018 winter season and has attended three 10-round meets in the A Class. The March leaderboard of the Indoor Cloud League is the first time that the new team contributes to the 125-point total for the Hurricane Factory.

Hurricane Factory - MarchAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
Bad Boys2724----51
HF Flying Circus2420-----
HF Cubs1919-----
Ladies & Gentlemants--1624(-1)--24
HF Flying Rebels--121618-18
HF Flying Chameleons--991111-
HF DragonFlies---9131313

Hurricane Factory's Best of March272419241813125

Updated with new videos for RR and R Class sequences

HF Cubs and Aerokart Ak'demie 2 at the FAI Indoor World Meet 2017
The 4-way juniors of the HF Flying Rebels lineup have posted R Class highscores for the Hurricane Factory before they had to move up into the next category after the 26-pointer in January, which was capped at 25 points.

The Flying Rebels did not score for the Hurricane Factory in February and now contributed 18 points for the RR Class sequence, the team's first highscore in this category. Three other teams competed with the Flying Rebels for the highest RR Class score. The internal Czech leaderboard shows that two of the 4-way junior teams (Flying Rebels, Chameleons) have been taking on their first A Class sequences, as well.

Their 4-way junior fellows of the HF Dragonflies still focus only on the Rookie Class sequences, and they posted their first highscore for the Czech Indoor Cloud League team in March with the 13-pointer for the R Class sequence. Flying Chameleons and J-Elita were both only two points behind.

The HF Cubs have fully entered the AAA Class world, even though they still compete in the 4-way junior category (AA) at the monthly meets of the World Tunnel League.

AAA Class: Aerokart Ak'demie 2 at the French Indoor Nationals 2018
HF Cubs and the French Aerokart Ak'demie teams used to compete together at the international 4-way junior events, last time at the FAI Indoor World Meet 2017.

The Aerokart Ak'demie 2 team now just posted a 22.8 average at the AAA Class competition of the French Indoor Nationals 2018, even though they are still eligible for the 4-way junior category. The HF Cubs are taking on the AAA Class dive pool earlier, as well, even if it is only at the Indoor Cloud League events so far.

The HF Cubs are still behind the HF Bad Boys and HF Flying Circus, while they are leaving 4-way senior team Accord behind. The Ak'demie 2 team actually finished in 7th place of the AAA Class competition at Weembi Lille and outscored 12 other French teams in the same category.

HF Bad Boys were back with their complete lineup this time and posted both highscores for the Open Class sequences (AAA - AA).

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