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Did You Know...

... that Echochamber won the FAI indoor bronze medals in the very last round?

Roller-coaster meet for Amnesya from Italy
posted Apr 23rd, 2018 - The most exciting part of the new FAI European Indoor Championship 2018 was the battle for the bronze medals. Aerodyne Realfly won the gold medals for France eight points ahead of Black Cat in the absence of NMP PCH HayaBusa, and the Russian national 4-way team had no opposition for the silver medals.

However, behind the gold and silver medal position, there was a fierce battle going on between Amnesya (Italy), Airheads (Switzerland) and Echochamber (Sweden). All three teams finished with new record averages, and Echochamber won the bronze medals with the cleanest performance of this trio.

The ten rounds were a roller-coaster for Amnesya who were the fastest team out of the starting blocks (Rounds 1 - 2) and then lost the competition for the bronze medals in just the following two rounds. The Italian team won the total of the remaining six rounds (179 - 175 - 174) and was still too far behind after Round 4.

The competition was very different between the bronze medal winners from Sweden and the Swiss Airheads who were never separated by more than one point before the last two rounds of the competition.

FAI European Indoor Championship 2018
RankAAA ClassG,12,20F,16,22N,E,D,2117,L,418,14,O19,2,57,15,Q6,B,M,PK,11,98,H,J,CTotalAvg
1Aerodyne Realfly FR 25  29  39  31  26  26  32  45  33  38  324  32.4  
2Black Cat RU 23  31  36  32  25  26  32  46  30  35  316  31.6  
3Echochamber SE 21-126  34  27  23  23-129-238-127-235-1 283-828.3  
4Airheads CH 21-226  35  26-122-223  29  40-128-232-4 282-1228.2  
5Amnesya IT 21-128  29-222-324  22  29-139-227-238-3279-1427.9  
6ACM Weembi UK 19  24  29  24  20  22  29  35  25  28  255  25.5  
7FlySpot Sky4Four PL 16  18  20  19  17  16  21  25  21  20  193  19.3  
8Skydive University Slovakia SK 14  18  21  17  15  14  19  27  21  25  191  19.1  
9Norway NO 13  14  19  13  14  15  16  26  19  15  164  16.4  
10HF Bad Boys CZ 16  22  22  21  -  -  -  -  -  -  81  20.3  
Echochamber in Round 10
Echochamber's Martin Bäcklin recalled the situation at the beginning of the last meet day:

"We all knew this day would require our full attention and focus, in order to make our dream come true. Both remaining rounds had a 'random-touch' to them, slightly favoring our opponents which historically had proven somewhat stronger on the speedier rounds."

However, Echochamber felt confident with Block 11 and Block 9 coming up in Round 9, and Block 8 (Canadian T - Canadian T) has been one of the strongest weapons in the team's technical arsenal: "Being squeezed into the quick random sequence in the final round didn't discourage us, in fact quite the opposite."

Echochamber still lost another point in Round 9 and were now two points behind going into the grande finale:

"The tactics for Round 10 were quite simple; we simply had to outrun our opponents, flat out burn it - nothing to lose! Realistically we would have a chance at closing the distance, and hopefully giving us the second chance of a tiebreak round." Martin Bäcklin said that the Round 10 showdown was "truly nerve wrecking!"

The teams were gathered in front of the judging screen knowing about the tight situation in the race for the bronze medals and waiting for the final showdown.

FAI bronze medals for Sweden: Echochamber
Echochamber started with a 35-pointer after one point deduction, and Airheads completed the same number of formations in working time. However, four point deductions put the Swiss team eventually one point behind Sweden in 4th place.

Amnesya were seven points behind Echochamber and nine points behind Airheads after Round 9 and could not win the bronze medals any longer. The Italian team still saved the best for last and tied the French highscore for the round (38) for a highlight and an impressive finish of the meet.

Even the opponents were very impressed, as bronze medalist Martin Bäcklin put it: "Next up the Italians really knocked us all out with their outstanding performance being the overall fastest team in Round 10, impressive!"

Echochamber now switches to outdoor training, which includes indoor training with skydiving gear and then exits from air planes. Coach Mattias Nord will be stepping in, as Martin Bäcklin is not able to take enough vacation time from work. The Swedish team is looking forward to the transition from indoor to outdoor training and competition after winning their first set of FAI medals...

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