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Did You Know...

... that Pajama Pumas and Vantage completed their first outdoor competition in the AAA Class?

Competition practice: NFTO at the UKSL May meet
posted May 12th, 2018 - Five British teams followed up on the World Challenge 2018 with the first outdoor competition of the United Kingdom Skydiving League this year, which took place at Skydive99 in Dunkeswell last weekend.

Six rounds are scheduled at the UKSL meets, and the first outdoor meet brought 12 blocks, with three of the six slot-switchers, to the three AAA Class teams.

The British national team in 4-way Women, NFTO, used the first outdoor competition on British home turf for competition practice, while the meet was the first AAA Class competition with exits from jump planes for Pajama Pumas and Vantage.

Both teams entered the AAA Class competition world with the beginning of the 2018 season. Salty Jacks (1st), Pajama Pumas (2nd) and Vantage (3rd) had won the three sets of UK medals in the AA Class of the national championships last year, and all three teams came back in the AAA Class of the World Challenge 2018. Pajama Pumas launched their AAA Class career at the Wind Games 2018 before they met the other two AA Class medal winners of 2017 in Bedford for the first AAA Class showdown.

UKSL 2018 - May Meet
RankAAA ClassD,13,E,14N,12,B,K8,18,22O,16,19G,4,5J,11,20TotalAvg
2Pajama Pumas131371011106410.7
RankAA ClassD,13,EN,B,K,228,18O,19,15G,4,LJ,11,20TotalAvg
1RAF 100896886457.5
RankA ClassD,E,LN,B,K8,PO,19G,4J,6TotalAvg
2Flying Fossils797536376.2
3RAFSPA Meteor476456325.3
1Jersey Beans6610877447.3
2Nick Her Jiblets125250152.5
3Sky Monkeys021424132.2
4RAFSPA Poseidon03121071.2
Pajama Pumas in the AA Class of 2017
Pajama Pumas had finished one point behind Salty Jacks at last year's national championships and began at the Wind Games with a 14.7 average, which they turned into 18.3 after eight rounds three months later in Bedford.

Neither Vantage (16.9) nor Salty Jacks (13.9) were able to keep up with Pajama Pumas at the first AAA Class competition.

Pajama Pumas had a strong showing at the first outdoor competition in the new category, as well, and beat the 10-average benchmark easily with the first attempt. The NSL News had reported on 19 September 2017 how the British team had moved from a 0.2 average at the first meet in the Rookie Class of 2016 to the current position.

Vertigo and Nebula are both teams who started at the World Challenge 2018, Vertigo in the AA Class and Nebula in the A Class. They continued with outdoor competition in the same category and at the first UKSL meet in Dunkeswell.

World Challenge 2018
RankAAA Class10,H,F,1320,6,2212,1,114,M,G,J9,B,P,AN,C,8,3K,7,L,D18,19,145,Q,2115,16,OTotalAvg
5ACM Weembi2421212948213621252326926.9
25Pajama Pumas1615152023182415--14618.3
25Aggrieved Bucaneers1714132029162215--14618.3
34Salty Jacks1112101622111811--11113.9
RankAA ClassH,F,1320,61,114,M,G9,B,PN,C,8K,7,L18,19Q,21,2215,O,JTotalAvg
RankA ClassH,F,D6,GP,L,E4,M9,BN,C,8K,719,2Q,21O,J,ATotalAvg
9Recruitz Ice18131010159169141613013.0
9Black Magick1810141215131310111413013.0
13Back Panthers107475763713696.9
3Funnel the Tunnel121413151714112010813413.4
4Tunnel Vision141012191310101681312512.5
7Recruitz Fire139899661068848.4

The World Challenge is the British indoor championship at the same time, and the teams are mixing up with teams from all over the world in the four different categories, while they also determine their own indoor champions and the national rankings.

UKSL May meet at Skydive99 in Dunkeswell
Eleven British teams competed in the AAA Class in Bedford. NFTO finished in 3rd place in Bedford and made the Top 9, with scores for all ten rounds on the official leaderboard. NFTO was also the best British team in 4-way Women.

Pajama Pumas and Vantage did not make the first and the second cut on the World Challenge leaderboard, while the teams in the other three categories (AA - A - Rookie) had their scores for all ten rounds on the leaderboards.

New AA Class team Vertigo competed with three other British teams at the World Challenge and then with five different British teams in Dunkeswell. Vertigo placed 2nd at both events.

Nebula was the best of five British A Class teams in Bedford and then finished tied in 3rd place at the outdoor meet, where a total of six teams competed. The next UKSL meet is scheduled for June 9th in Langar.

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