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Did You Know...

... that teams from three countries posted scores on last weekend's AAA Class leaderboard?

AAA Class awards at the Paranodon Cup 2018
image by: Ande Andsger
posted Jun 13th, 2018 - Last weekend's British scores from Langar, generated at the second meet of the United Kingdom Skydiving League, have been added to the leaderboard, which now features a total of 30 teams from three different countries.

Teams from Switzerland have traditionally traveled to Illertissen in Germany, host of the annual Paranodon Cup, where they compete together with a number of German 4-way teams. This time, two Swiss teams posted their scores on the AAA Class leaderboard in Illertissen. The Paranodon Cup serves also as the Southern German 4-way Championship.

The event in Illertissen was completed after ten rounds, while only six rounds are scheduled for meets of the United Kingdom Skydiving League. The adjusted leaderboard, with the total number of points after Round 6 for all teams, allows to compare all scores directly.

Dr. Rainer "Exi" Hoenle, meet director of the Paranodon Cup, reported from Germany that the teams did not have full jumping altitude and working time in the last round, due to air traffic control issues. However, the last four rounds in Illertissen did not make it onto the adjusted leaderboard and did not change the outcome of the international competition.

June 9th, 2018
RankAAA ClassESLK,18,E,P13,14,HG,L,15,D22,B,10A,N,1,16J,9,O,5TotalAvg
1Pink Illertissen DE 1017  13  14-113  15  17  8914.8
2Pajama Pumas UK 817  11-112-212  14-119  8514.2
3Eyjafjallajökull DE 615  11  14  12  13  18  8313.8
4Paranodon 2018 DE 515  11  13  11  14  16  8013.3
5Parhelion CH 412-18  10-310  11-215  6611.0
6Slot Switchers UK 310-111  12  9  9  13  6410.7
7Tyanno4us Rex UK 212  7-19-16-311-114  599.8
8Titten und Bier DE 112  5-110-18  10  13  589.7
8Air-W CH 110-18  11  9  6-113  579.5
10Vantage UK 18  6-110  9  11  11-2559.2
German delegation at the ESL Championship 2017
Exi was also the founder of the German Skydiving League which was a part of the early European Skydiving League. In fact, the Deutsche Sky Liga (DSL) was running for three years (2001 - 2003) before the first ESL Championship brought together teams from the early 4-way leagues in Germany, Belgium and Netherlands in 2003.

The former German 4-way and 8-way competitor, with the FAI World Meet 1997 with Germany's 8-way team in his belt, turned to FAI/IPC and judging functions after his active competition career and the engagement with the Deutsche Sky Liga and still manages events, such as the Paranodon Cup last weekend.

The AAA Class leaderboard resembles a smaller version of an ESL Championship leaderboard, which has a second scoring system.

The teams also collect ESL points in all four categories for their national delegation, beginning with ten points for the winner and down to the minimum score of one ESL point for teams at the bottom of the leaderboard. Last weekend's AAA Class leaderboard is an example for the additional scores of the special event.

ESL Championship 2017
RankAAA ClassESL3,10,11J,H,14,4C,21,B,218,Q,G,M13,A,5E,22,K,1720,19,D16,F,L,P7,N,156,12,1TotalAvg
1AtomiX YUUDE101417172116161622181116816.8
3Dark EnergyDE61215141812141319151114314.3
6HF Flying CircusCZ3111213141114131913912912.9

The winning home team, Pink Illertissen, have not attended national championships in Germany yet after the first appearance at last year's Paranodon Cup and then competing as a guest team at the Belgian Nationals 2017.

New team record average with complete lineup: Eyjafjallajökull
image by: Ande Andsger
The best British AAA Class team, Pajama Pumas, interfered with the German dominance on the AAA Class leaderboard and stole the 2nd place after Round 6. It's the first year for Pajama Pumas in the AAA Class, as the NSL News explained on 19 September 2017.

The British team started with two indoor meets (Wind Games, World Challenge) in the new and highest 4-way category and went outdoors for the first time at the UKSL May meet. They increased the meet average from 10.7 in May to 14.2 last weekend to leave two experienced German 4-way teams behind.

Eyjafjallajökull in 3rd place is the second half of the German 8-way team who try to qualify for the FAI World Meet in Australia, as the NSL News reported on 8 June 2018. The Paranodon 2018 lineup included another 8-way member, Thomas Spielvogel, who has also been coaching Eyjafjallajökull in the past and competed with the team at last year's national championships. His former EADS and Airbus 4-way and 8-way team mate Olaf Biedermann was in the Paranodon 2018 lineup, as well.

The complete Eyjafjallajökull was back together in Illertissen last weekend and outscored their coach and 8-way team mate by three points with a new team record average.

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