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Did You Know...

... that all six AA Class teams posted highscores last weekend?

Andreas Trögele with the Airbus 4-way team at the German Nationals 2017
posted Jun 13th, 2018 - Last weekend's international competition was much closer in the AA Class, compared to the AAA leaderboard, where 34 points separated the teams in 1st (Pink Illertissen) and 10th place (Vantage).

British teams Pajama Pumas and Vantage had made the same steps from AA to AAA this year after spending the whole 2017 season together, meet after meet at the United Kingdom Skydiving League events and the national championships. Vantage is a year behind Pajama Pumas, who started in the Rookie Class of 2016 and attended one 2016 meet in the A Class.

Vantage joined the AA/AAA journey with the beginning of the 2017 season, and both teams went along together from then on. Vantage has almost arrived at the scoring level where Pajama Pumas were at the UKSL May meet with a significantly improved (7.5 - 9.2) meet average, while Pajama Pumas were even challenging the German AAA Class winner last weekend for the top spot.

Paranodon 2018's videographer Andreas Trögele provided the meet videos of his team's Round 1 and Round 6, which are showing two of Germany's most experienced 4-way competitors in action with this year's Paranodon lineup, Thomas Spielvogel and Olaf Biedermann. Andreas Trögele is also the team videographer for Germany's national team in 4-way Open, Airbus, and he will travel to Australia in October to compete at the FAI World Meet 2018.

June 9th, 2018
RankAAA ClassESLK,18,E,P13,14,HG,L,15,D22,B,10A,N,1,16J,9,O,5TotalAvg
1Pink Illertissen DE 1017 13 14-113 15 17 8914.8
2Pajama Pumas UK 817 11-112-212 14-119 8514.2
3Eyjafjallajökull DE 615 11 14 12 13 18 8313.8
4Paranodon 2018 DE 515 11 13 11 14 16 8013.3
5Parhelion CH 412-18 10-310 11-215 6611.0
6Slot Switchers UK 310-111 12 9 9 13 6410.7
7Tyanno4us Rex UK 212 7-19-16-311-114 599.8
8Titten und Bier DE 112 5-110-18 10 13 589.7
8Air-W CH 110-18 11 9 6-113 579.5
10Vantage UK 18 6-110 9 11 11-2559.2
AA Class winner at the UK Nationals 2017: Salty Jacks
The six AA Class teams, five from the United Kingdom and one from Germany, were separated by only seven points after Round 6. Montagsflieger and Nexus were tied in 1st place, and two UKSL teams also shared the 4th place.

The highscores for each round show as well how close the AA Class competition was, as each of the six teams claimed or tied at least one of the six highscores for a round.

All five UKSL teams had attended the first outdoor meet of the 2018 season, as well, where the finishing order was different and the same five teams were separated by 12 points after six rounds. The British AA Class teams all improved their meet averages, and it seems like there will be a new AA Class showdown at the national championships.

Salty Jacks, Pajama Pumas and Vantage had a 5-point battle over eight rounds for the three sets of British AA Class medals last year, and it could be very similar at the end of August. One more UKSL meet is scheduled for July as the last meet opportunity before the UK Nationals 2018.

June 9th, 2018
RankAA ClassK,18,E13,14G,L,1522,B,PA,N,1J,9,OTotalAvg
1Montagsflieger DE 6  7  7  7  7  12  467.7
1Nexus UK 5-15  6-19  8  13  467.7
3Manticore UK 7  5-15-28-17-312  447.3
4Vertigo UK 4-24  6  4-18  14  406.7
4RAF 100 UK 3-33  7  8  7-112  406.7
6Alchemy UK 8-13  6  5-16-111  396.5
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