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Did You Know...

... that DeLands Hit Show has a short 4-way career and a long history?

Work place nearby: Performance Designs office facilities
posted Jun 15th, 2018 - New Rookie Class team DeLands Hit Show made the NSL News first time on 4 May 2018 after three team members attended an FSL Tunnel Kicker for the first time in April and posted Indoor Cloud League scores for the Florida Skydiving League team at iFLY Orlando.

The complete lineup had also posted their first outdoor scores at the FSL April meet and came back for the next competition at Skydive DeLand in May.

DeLands Hit Show entered the 4-way belly world with so much fun and enthusiasm that the NSL News had a live interview with the team on the list for a while.

The logistics for the NSL Live Talk were not too difficult, as all team members live and work in DeLand. Performance Designs, less than five driving minutes away from the drop zone, is the work place for all team members, except Deb Cedar, who has a job in the skydiving industry around the corner, as well. A lunch break offered enough time for an interview meeting at Skydive DeLand.

Pete Allum in DeLand with Sebastian XL
DeLands Hit Show posted their first outdoor scores shortly before a new Rookie Class team, SDC Graduates, did the same at Skydive Chicago in May, as the NSL News reported on 1 June 2018. The MWSL update related to the starting point of the Pajama Pumas in Great Britain, who are now competing in the AAA Class.

The new DeLand team also had a similar start compared to the first meet of SDC Graduates, who enjoyed coaching by SDC Rhythm XP member Steve Lefkowitz at their first meet of the Midwest Skydiving League.

Team member Sunnie Rice, DeLands Hit Show's point, remembered very well how she met the team's first coach when she was working at Performance Designs, where many of the best and most experienced skydivers in the world walk in and out on a regular basis.

She explained in the interview that 4-way legend Pete Allum was visiting one day at her work place for business. He is Hollie Blue-Allum's father and happened to be in town at the team's first training weekend. DeLands Hit Show eventually ended up receiving their first 4-way instructions from one of the most experienced 4-way competitors and coaches in the history of the sport.

May 19th, 2018
1DeLands Hit Show7  2  5   144.7
Roster: Hollie Blue-Allum (Inside Center), Deborah Cedar (Tail), Julija Grinevska (Video), Sunnie Rice (Point), Michael Savonarola (Outside Center)
April 14th, 2018
1DeLands Hit Show2  2-1-   42.0
Roster: Hollie Blue-Allum (Inside Center), Deborah Cedar (Tail), Julija Grinevska (Video), Sunnie Rice (Point), Michael Savonarola (Outside Center)
Lunch break at the DZ: DeLands Hit Show
Pete Allum has been living in Spain for many years and visits DeLand to meet his daughter and conduct business as a Flight-1 instructor and coach.

Hollie Blue-Allum said that her father's own enthusiasm and passion for skydiving and 4-way training and competition was contagious when she was ready to join the skydiving community.

DeLands Hit Show usually gets help and coaching from Trevor Cedar who is also closely connected to the team. He is just as passionate about 4-way as Pete Allum has been for decades and has helped other local teams to get together and make the first steps in DeLand.

The team members use their easy logistics whenever they can, even if the complete lineup is not available for 4-way training.

DeLands Hit Show have attended the first two meets of the 2018 outdoor season with great progress, and the third one is coming up this weekend. It would not be a big surprise if the team improves the meet average once again significantly...

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