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Did You Know...

... that the Fun Flag has been flying at Gold Coast?

Knowing the Fun Flag rules too: FAI Judges at Gold Coast
posted Oct 10th, 2018 - What's a world meet without the Fun Flag? There is a long history behind the Fun Flag, and it begins with the Golden Knights 8-way team, who are on their way in Australia to win the FAI gold medals for the fourth consecutive time.

Former Golden Knights member Chris Wagner knew most of the Fun Flag history, and the NSL News documented it on 13 September 2006. Then it was followed by many updates, the last one on 22 October 2016.

Two years without a Fun Flag update is a long time, even though it is exactly the time period between two world meets. However, the Fun Flag is supposed to help bringing the right spirit to as many events as possible, and the long silence raised concerns about the well-being of the Fun Flag.

The good news are back from Gold Coast where the Fun Flag has been spotted and even changed possession a few times.

The recent Fun Flag investigation also revealed that there have been more Fun Flag activities than reported to the NSL News in the meantime.

Fun Flag flying at the world meet site
The Fun Flag was in possession of the German delegation at the end of the FAI Mondial 2016, and Janine Tillenburg had brought it to Germany from the event at Skydive Chicago.

It had the next outing at the international ESL Championship 2017 which took place in Saarlouis, Germany, last year. There the Flying Cowboys, a German Rookie Class team, took possession and kept it. The new team needed some education about the purpose of the Fun Flag, so they would release it and allow it to travel to the next event.

It was back flying at the German Nationals this year at a different location before it finally made the trip across the world to Australia. It was properly exposed to the public at the event site, and some of the judges saw it first at the fitness gym.

The judges surely knew the rules and had it back flying in the world meet air shortly after capturing it. The current location and possession of the Fun Flag is unknown...

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