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Did You Know...

... that Jan Klapka is preparing the next generation of Czech 4-way juniors for their ICL debut?

HF Flying Rebels in action
posted Dec 25th, 2018 - The 2018 season of the Indoor Cloud League is slowly coming to its end. The ICL update on December 3rd had explained how tight the race was between Hurricane Factory and Paraclete XP for the top spot on the 14+ leaderboard.

Only six points (1316 - 1310) separated both teams at the end of the November competition, and the last month of the year will bring the final conclusion.

The same story pointed out how the Czech 4-way junior teams contribute heavily to the next successfully running ICL season of the Hurricane Factory team.

One of the NSL News updates after the Czech part of the World Tunnel League's December competition explained the important role of the three junior teams (Flying Rebels - Dragonflies - Chameleons) with more details on December 19th. This story mentioned that the same three teams have already moved up from the RRR Class and the A Class leaderboards to the AA Class, which is identical with the FAI/IPC 4-way junior category. Czech 4-way godfather Jan Klapka would soon have to create new lineups for the three Rookie Class categories (RRR - RR - R) and the A Class.

Hurricane Factory - DecemberAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
TeamsO,11,H,17 Q,9,11 E,N,7 D,O,H M,E,N M,QTotal
HF Flying Circus2629----55
HF Cubs2327-----
M Team141922---22
HF Flying Rebels-151720243044
HF Dragonflies-151519212946
HF Flying Chameleons-1010111416-

Hurricane Factory's Best of December262922202125143

Hurricane Factory highscores for the December competition of the Indoor Cloud League
HF Dragonflies in action
The World Tunnel League events offer competition only in four of the six Indoor Cloud League categories. The two additional Rookie Class categories (RR - R) are a playground for all beginners in the sport, not only for the 4-way juniors.

The Czech WTL/ETL December leaderboard is showing the challenge that Jan Klapka is currently facing. The four junior teams, including the HF Cubs, are posting their scores on the AAA/AA leaderboards, and only one team, High Five, competes in the A Class. The Czech December leaderboard does not even have any scores in the Rookie Class at all.

However, some of the 4-way junior teams are still eligible to post their scores on the Indoor Cloud League leaderboards, even though they are also exceeding the scoring limitations team by team.

The HF Cubs are posting their scores only for AAA and AA sequences and try to challenge the best Czech senior teams. The Flying Rebels have scored 25 points or higher for RR and R Class sequences twice, and the team's 24-pointer (RR) and 30-pointer (R) could not be used for the Czech December total any longer.

World Tunnel League December 2018
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 3,B,5 15,J,7 9,16,18 17,C,H,M 14,Q,11 L,6,21 A,P,F,20 K,D,22,13 1,4,12 19,O,8 Total Avg
1 HF Flying Circus  CZ  24 26 23 32 20 22 33 18 16 20  234 23.4
2 HF Bad Cubs  CZ  22 26 20 33 19 22 29 21 17 18  227 22.7
3 HF Chicks  CZ  22 24 19 25 19 19 29 15 14 19 205 20.5
4 Skydive University Slovakia  SK  15 18 15 24 15 17 21 15 12 16 168 16.8
5 Sky....  CZ  18 18 15 24 15 17 20 15 11 12 165 16.5
6 Accord  CZ  13 15 10 20 9 13 13 11 10 12 126 12.6
7 M Team  CZ  11 16 12 12 8 14 17 13 8 11 122 12.2
Rank AA Class B,E,G,N 15,J,7 9,18 C,H,M,L 14,Q,11 6,21 A,P,F,20 K,D,22 1,4 19,O,8 Total Avg
1 HF Flying Rebels  CZ  21 19 16 24 14 14 21 15 12 13  169 16.9
2 HF Dragonflies  CZ  22 16 15 31 12 13 19 12 11 14  165 16.5
3 Ladies&Gentlemen  CZ  19 12 12 27 11 12 15 11 10 13 142 14.2
4 Mimozemky  CZ  17 8 11 21 10 12 14 12 9 10 124 12.4
5 HF Chameleons  CZ  4 9 9 11 8 9 10 9 7 6  82 8.2
Rank A Class B,E,G J,7 9,N C,H,M Q,L,O 6,21 A,P,F K,D,8 4,2 19,O Total Avg
1 High Five  CZ  20 18 16 24 19 11 12 14 9 12 155 15.5
HF Chameleons in action
HF Flying Rebels are still eligible to perform RRR Class sequences and contributed 20 points for the December total. The Dragonflies took care of the RR and R business and added 46 points to the Czech total. Their 29-pointer was capped at the 25-point maximum score for the two lowest Rookie Class categories (RR - R).

HF Dragonflies can still post scores for RR Class sequences, while they are done now with the R Class. Only one of the four Czech junior teams, the HF Chameleons, is left for the R Class sequences next year. The Chameleons have not posted any scores for the Hurricane Factory on Indoor Cloud League leaderboards yet. However, their time is most likely coming in the following months.

It may seem like the Hurricane Factory team could soon run into a problem with the Rookie Class categories. However, Jan Klapka is prepared for the situation next year.

He said that he is currently preparing 16 new 4-way juniors at weekly training camps. He expects them to be ready for ICL sequences soon, and possibly even for their first WTL/ETL meet in April 2019...

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