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Did You Know...

... that Seattle Swift is back on the January leaderboard of the Indoor Cloud League?

iFLY Seattle team in January
posted Feb 13th, 2019 - The Indoor Cloud League team of the Northwest Skydiving League had a great start into the 2019 season at iFLY Seattle. The total of 115 points brought the 2nd place behind the Czech teams at the Hurricane Factory, ahead of Paraclete XP and iFLY Tampa.

The iFLY Seattle team finished with a higher total only once throughout the complete 2018 season. Last year's total still won the 3rd place by five points (1262 - 1257) over iFLY Tampa on the 14+ leaderboard. Seattle Swift member Djordje Mandaric is now captaining the 4-way team and the ICL team both, while Deb Correia still participates as a player coach at the ICL events in Seattle, together with her husband Dave Correia.

Seattle Swift, silver medalist in the Advanced Class of the USPA Nationals 2018, took a long break from posting scores for the iFLY Seattle team with the complete lineup on the Indoor Cloud League leaderboard.

It was in July 2018 when Swift added their 41 points to the month's total for the two Open Class sequences (AAA - AA). The Northwest team then focused successfully on outdoor training and competition, which was rewarded with the USPA silver medals.

iFLY Seattle - JanuaryAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
TeamsE,8,Q,3 Q,6,8 C,F,4 K,E,Q M,C,F M,HTotal
Seattle Swift1918(-2)----37
Gary Dutton, Nat Mote, Shawna Williams, Djordje Mandaric--15---15
Barbara Lindsay, Erik Byng, Slavko Pesic, Dave Correia ---18--18
Deirdre Knobeloch, Katie Grabb, Bill Selig, Deb Correia----222345

iFLY Seattle's Best of January191815182223115

iFLY Seattle's BEST OF ICL in January

The start of the 2019 season now brought Seattle Swift back onto the ICL leaderboard, once again for the AAA and AA sequences. They had to put up with the Czech HF Flying Circus who have been increasing their performance and scoring level consistently and won both categories for the Hurricane Factory in January, while Swift had very little training before performing the January sequences.

USPA silver medals for Seattle Swift in 2018
Seattle Swift is back with the same lineup as in 2018. The team does not have a training and competition schedule yet for the 2019 season. However, the slow re-start begins to bring Swift back into motion with at least regular tunnel training to begin with.

The Paraclete XP lineup finished ahead of Seattle Swift, as well, with another strong lineup (Morgan Womble, Lauren Byrd, Greg Oldendick, Joey Freeman). Greg Oldendick trained and competed with Savage XP and player coach Kirk Verner last year, who finished as the only team ahead of Seattle Swift in USPA's Advanced Class.

However, iFLY Seattle had the more rounded ICL team in January and finished ahead of Paraclete XP on the ICL leaderboard. Djordje Mandaric reported from Seattle that he had two new participants in his ICL team (Shawna Williams, Deirdre Knobeloch), who "both did a great job".

The January leaderboard of the Indoor Cloud League is still not complete yet, as iFLY Dallas had a comeback in the new year, as well. New organizer Kyle Hermberg is still working on the January data...

Indoor Cloud League 2019
Rank January 14+ E,8,Q,3 Q,6,8 C,F,4 K,E,Q M,C,F M,H Total
1 Hurricane Factory  CZ  24    24    23    23    25    25    144
2 iFLY Seattle  US  19 -2 18    15    18    22    23    115
3 Paraclete XP  US  22    22 -1 20    22 -2 7    7    100
4 iFLY Tampa  US  17    16 -1 11    15    12    20    91
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