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Did You Know...

... that Paraclete XP offers a special bridge between 4-way indoor and outdoor competition?

Paraclete XP's Indoor Cloud League team in March
posted Apr 9th, 2019 - The upcoming FAI Indoor World Meet had an impact on the March event of the Indoor Cloud League at Paraclete, as well. Some of the usual player coaches, who perform the AAA and AA sequences and help the participants with engineering and technical advice, were not available, as the two Paraclete teams in the U.S. delegation (XP8 - XPG4) are busy with getting ready for the high-profile competition at Weembi Lille.

XP8 and XPG4 will probably both be competing for gold medals in France and needed the time between Paraclete XP Indoor Championship and departure time for the final preparations.

However, Paraclete XP's Indoor Cloud League team is never short of top coaches and world champions available and ready to help and provide the participants with their experiences and expertise. Golden Knights 8-way world champion and team captain Andrew Starr was once again in the AAA/AA lineup and guided two other lineups (A and R) through the March sequences.

He had another Golden Knights world class competitor by his side, who has not been active for quite a while. Angela Navarro competed with the Golden Knights in 4-way Women since the team was formed in 2011. She stepped back at the beginning of the 2016 season before the U.S. Army team won the FAI gold medals in September.

Paraclete XP - MarchAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
TeamsF,1,G,12 N,1,2 D,B,6 A,F,G M,D,B M,NTotal
Jennifer Davidson, Angela Navarro, Drew Starr, James Hall3027----57
Dom Perry, Geoff Bloom, Keith Pierce, Drew Starr--20---20
Terry Seaworth, Mikayla Kusuda, JP Brown, Angela Navarro---26--26
Terry McCray, Bubba Brunson, Matt Alarif, Jess Haugaard----13-13
Alanna Geoffroy, Lyle Dodd, Zach Daigle, Drew Starr-----1616

Paraclete XP's Best of March302720261316132

Angela Navarro with Golden Knights at the FAI World Meet 2014 (2nd from left)
Jennifer Davidson, her original team mate since 2011, was still in the gold medal lineup at the FAI World Meet 2016, where JaNette Lefkowitz filled the open outside center slot. Jennifer Davidson then continued in 4-way and 8-way with the Golden Knights. The AAA/AA lineup of Paraclete XP's Indoor Cloud League lineup brought her back together with Angela Navarro last month.

James Hall completed the lineup, and Paraclete XP posted the highest AAA Class score, five points ahead of HF Flying Circus. James Hall is a regular ICL participant at the events in Florida. He had won silver medals in the AAA/Advanced Class of the USPA Nationals 2017 and competed with Great Expectations at this year's Paraclete XP Indoor Championship.

Paraclete's AAA/AA lineup posted world class scores and outscored the Czech national team in 4-way Open, HF Flying Circus, while the 4-way Junior team of the Hurricane Factory, HF Cubs, actually kept up with the Paraclete seniors (27 - 27).

Two upcoming Czech 4-way Junior national team, HF Flying Rebels, took care of the A and RRR sequences and secured the highest ICL total in March, together with two other Czech Rookie Class lineups.

Indoor Cloud League 2019
Rank March 14+ C,19,N,17 O,19,7 H,A,8 B,C,N M,H,A M,O Total
1 Hurricane Factory  CZ  25    27    23    32    15    18    140
2 Paraclete XP  US  30    27    20    26    13    16    132
3 iFLY Seattle  US  21    23    11    21    25    17    118
4 iFLY Tampa  US  14    16    16    18    23    25    112
5 iFLY Atlanta  US  -    -    8    11    7   15    41
Paraclete's AAA/AA lineup at the Indoor Cloud League in March
Paraclete XP is now preparing the next step for their Indoor Cloud League participants, which is the application of the learned individual and technical team skills in freefall.

Paraclete's ICL organizer Jessica Haugaard informed the NSL News that Paraclete will offer outdoor training camps for ICL participants every other week with the beginning of the outdoor season. Skydive Paraclete XP is the host of the USPA Nationals 2019, and the ICL participants have the opportunity to experience the national championships on their home turf: "We are starting a bi-weekly skydiving event at Skydive Paraclete XP to train up our newer/less experienced skydivers for Nationals called Project XP."

The Indoor Cloud League events at Paraclete XP have brought together many skydivers who have not yet competed at national championships, and the Indoor Cloud League events are meant to introduce skydivers to 4-way competition and connect future team mates with each other.

Project XP is Paraclete's special bridge between indoor and outdoor 4-way competition, and the same ICL player coaches will offer their help to provide the participants with 4-way experiences and expertise. Jessica Haugaard has more details of the events.

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