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Did You Know...

... that The Czech 4-way junior world champions won the ICL AA Class in April?

Ready for action: April 12+ winner iFLY SF Bay
posted May 16th, 2019 - The iFLY SF Bay team and iFLY Dallas finally completed the Indoor Cloud League competition for the month of April. The two ICL teams are posting their scores on the two different leaderboards. The iFLY SF Bay team uses the six sequences for the 12+ flying chambers, while iFLY Dallas' larger flying chamber offers enough space for the 14+ sequences.

It was a new coincidence that both teams posted the same total for the six sequences. The three Rookie Class sequences (RRR - RR - R) were once again identical, while the three technical sequences (AAA - AA - A) were significantly slower for the teams in the 14+ flying chambers.

It was no surprise that iFLY SF Bay won the technical part over iFLY Dallas (49 - 43). However, Kyle Hermberg's ICL team, once again with Dallas 350 member Lucas King as a player-coach in two of the lineups, won back the six points (45 - 39) in the three Rookie Class categories to tie the April total.

Amer Kassas almost tied the same 88-point total with his iFLY Orlando team and 87 points for April. Lori Connor outscored her NSL4XIC team mate at the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship by one point for the first time this year, just a month after the previous 1-point finish in March.

TeamsG,6,O,3 N,6,11 L,D,7 F,G,O M,L,D M,NTotal
Jessica Lee, Ethan DeLano, Julius Frank, Deanna Frank1717----34
Sylvain Florand, Lukasz Weber, Vignesh Elamvazhuthi, Maria Sheets7(-1)9-----
Kiran Shivaram, Ray Hebert, Ron Put, Deanna Frank-91510(-1)--25
Jack Wang, Sofia, Bai, Ethan DeLano, Jessica Lee---11916-
Anna Marie Gonzalez, Jeff Saxton, Lori Connor, Julius Frank---15913-
Viktor Han, Racheet Matai, Lori Connor, Julius Frank---9121012
Travis McGowan, Craig Navickas, Maria Sheets, Deanna Frank---11111717

iFLY SF Bay's Best of April17171510121788

iFLY Dallas - AprilAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
Teams G,20,O,10 N,21,20 L,D,2 F,G,O M,L,D M,NTotal
Lacey Breaux, Zach Breaux, Michael Erickson, Donaldo Grajeda1414----28
David Pugin, Brandy Verhalen, Caden Maydew, Lucas King--15---15
Rebekah LeGall, Debbie Swenson, Brandy Verhalen, Lucas King---19--19
Aaron Shoulders, Arpit Tyagi, Lacey Breaux, Zach Breaux----121426

iFLY Dallas Best of April14141519121488

Rusalky in training with coach Martina Vavackova
The R Class sequence was actually the most competitive one last month. Five different teams matched their highest scores with 17-pointers, including one of the brand-new 4-way junior lineups at the Hurricane Factory. Some of the team members were in training when the NSL News visited the Hurricane Factory last month and answered a few NSL News questions.

In fact, the video of the visit at the Hurricane Factory was showing Rusalky training for the R Class sequence of the month.

iFLY Tampa had an incomplete set of scores in April and missed a scoring number for the AAA Class sequence. They missed the opportunity to get closer to iFLY Seattle in the 2019 rankings through April and gave away five more points for a 20-point difference after four months. However, Amer Kassas could still claim the sole highscore for the RR Class sequence.

Paraclete XP's RRR Class lineup (Terry Seaworth, JP Brown, Mikayla Kusuda, Matt Alarif) was the main point-getter in April and left the other RRR Class lineups in the dust, despite a challenging sequence with a Cataccord (G).

Indoor Cloud League 2019
Rank April 14+ G,20,O,10 N,21,20 L,D,2 F,G,O M,L,D M,N Total
1 Paraclete XP  US  17 19 21 23 13 17 110
2 Hurricane Factory  CZ  24 22 19 15 11 17 108
3 iFLY Dallas  US  14 14 15 19 12 14 88
4 iFLY Seattle  US  11 12 13 18 13 15 82
5 iFLY Tampa  US  - 12 15 17 16 17 77
Rank April 12+ G,6,O,3 N,6,11 L,D,7 F,G,O M,L,D M,N Total
1 iFLY SF Bay  US  17 17 15 10 12 17 88
2 iFLY Orlando  US  16 14 11 17 12 17 87
Indoor Cloud League highscores for the month of April
4-way Junior world champions: HF Cubs
Paraclete XP claimed another highscore for the A Class sequence (Dom Perry, Amie Begg, Joey Baker, Drew Starr) before the Czech teams took control of the two Open Class sequences (AAA - AA).

Then the video of the April highscores eventually features the freshly crowned 4-way Junior world champions, HF gold medals at the FAI Indoor World MeetCubs, with the highscore for the AA Class sequence.

The four young ladies performed the Indoor Cloud League sequence before they traveled to France and won the FAI .

The HF Cubs took on the AAA Class sequence in April, as well, and were only one point behind the category winner, HF Flying Circus, who also posted a 22-pointer for the AA Class sequence.

Paraclete XP won the first month of the ICL 2019 season over the Hurricane Factory and reduced the difference by two points. The Czech teams still maintained a solid lead, which is down to 61 points after the April competition.

Indoor Cloud League 2019JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotal
Flying Chamber: 14+ Feet
1Hurricane FactoryCZ144142140108--------534
2Paraclete XPUS100131132110--------473
3iFLY SeattleUS1159111882--------406
4iFLY TampaUS9110611277--------386
5iFLY DallasUS677610288--------333
6iFLY AtlantaUS-4041---------82
Flying Chamber: 12+ Feet
1iFLY OrlandoUS1031129487--------396
2iFLY SF BayUS88859388-------354
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