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Did You Know...

... that CTR Optimum and Pro Team shared a leaderboard for the first time?

AAA Class awards at iFLY SaoPaulo: CTR Optimum
posted Jul 4th, 2019 - The June meet of the World Tunnel League offered interesting international leaderboards, with teams from Finland, Brazil and the United States.

The rankings were set after the completion of Round 8, even though the Finnish and U.S. teams added two more rounds. The teams of the Brazilian Tunnel League were scheduled for only eight rounds for their competition at iFLY Sao Paulo.

The meet in Sao Paulo attracted eleven of the 23 teams who posted scores on the June leaderboards. The field of AAA Class teams in Sao Paulo included a guest team from neighboring Paraguay, the Adventure Flyers, at their first indoor competition.

CTR Optimum, Brazil's national 4-way team of the past years, won the second indoor meet at iFLY Sao Paulo this year, which was once again organized by CTR Optimum's André Ferraz, one of the original team members. CTR Optimum posted their first scores in 2005 and has competed for Brazil at international events ever since.

World Tunnel League - June 2019
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class K,18,A,16 H,L,C,5 B,17,3 7,M,9 11,Q,13 1,21,6 20,E,G,12 N,4,2 O,22,D,J 14,F,15 Total Avg
1 Pro Team FI 23 34 28 36 24 22 23 23 24 24  213 26.1
2 CTR Optimum BR 21 28 21 34 19 19 20 20 - - 182 22.8
3 Syrjähyppy FI 19 29 22 31 17 18 18 17 22 20  171 21.3
4 Just4Fun FI 18 26 19 31 17 17 16 18 22 19  162 20.3
5 Só Pressão BR 17 23 21 26 18 17 16 17 - - 155 19.4
6 CTR Storm BR 13 17 20 27 16 17 17 16 - - 143 17.9
7 North Force BR 19 21 16 22 13 14 15 16 - - 136 17.0
8 Harpia BR 15 17 18 21 16 16 15 13 - - 131 16.4
9 Amitie BR 13 20 16 21 13 13 13 11 - - 120 15.0
10 Adventure Flyers PY 11 17 14 21 11 11 13 13 - - 111 13.9
11 Anima BR 11 17 14 21 12 11 12 8 - - 106 13.3
12 SCZ ZEUS US 6 15 12 15 10 13 13 10 11 10  94 11.5
13 Breja Team BR 11 11 10 16 11 10 9 10 - - 88 11.0

CTR Optimum at the FAI World Meet 2018
CTR Optimum finished the most recent meet with a very special and unusual number. The 22.8 average is the third consecutive time with the same score after meet completion and matches the team's results at iFLY Sao Paulo in December 2018 and April 2019. The series of 22.8 averages began after the same lineup had come back from the FAI World Meet 2018 in Australia.

The Brazilian team even matched their outdoor numbers, as well. The 16.4 average in Australia was identical with the 16.4 that CTR Optimum had posted at their national championships in July last year.

Brazil's national 4-way team ended up in 2nd place on June's World Tunnel League leaderboard, as another national team finished with a new team record average. The NSL News reported on June 22nd that the Pro Team from Finland had posted a 26.1 average after all ten rounds.

However, CTR Optimum's third 22.8 average matches their own team record, as well, and the next opportunity comes up at the last indoor meet of the Brazilian tunnel league season in October.

World Tunnel League - June 2019
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AA Class Q,1,18 H,L,C,A B,J,K,P 7,M,9 11,13 21,6 20,E,G N,4,2 O,22,D 14,F,15 Total Avg
1 FurtheranZe 2.5US 14 24 26 19 12 13 16 14 14 15  138 16.7
2 SCZ FurtheranZe XPUS 14 24 20 20 10 13 13 14 14 14  128 15.6
3 OteFI 10 24 23 18 13 12 10 10 13 14 120 14.7
4 SCZ ZEUSUS 11 14 20 19 13 14 13 11 12 -  115 14.1
5 EvolucaoBR 11 20 25 16 8 9 11 8 - - 108 13.5
6 SCZ ZEUS 2.0US 10 15 15 14 8 14 12 12 14 11  100 12.5
7 Hermannin NuorisoseuraFI 11 18 23 16 7 9 8 10 10 10 102 12.2
8 4KFI 7 16 22 16 9 10 7 11 11 11 98 12.0
9 RJ RevolutionBR 9 15 19 16 6 11 7 8 - - 91 11.4
Rank Rookie B,K,A H,L,C J,P,E M,G,O Q,N,D F,B,H E,G,K N,A,L O,D,J C,P,M Total Avg
1 FurtheranZe 3.0US 16 16 14 17 19 17 12 12 19 18  160 16.0

Pro Team at the FAI Indoor World Meet 2019
Finland's Pro Team and CTR Optimum had never been on the same leaderboard before the June meet of the World Tunnel League. Both have competed at FAI world meets and other international meets, but never at the same events.

CTR Optimum competed for Brazil at the FAI World Meet 2006 in Germany and in Maubeuge 2008. Finland did not have a team in Germany, and the Tigers competed for the country in Maubeuge.

The Brazilian team missed Menzelinsk 2010, where the Pro Team attended their first world meet. CTR Optimum was back for the FAI Mondial 2012 in Dubai, where the Silver Knights competed for Finland. The Tigers were back for Finland at the FAI World Meet 2014 without a team from Brazil in Prostejov.

Neither Finland nor Brazil had 4-way teams at the FAI World Meet 2016 in Chicago before CTR Optimum's current lineup traveled to Australia last year, and the Pro Team did not. However, the Finnish team already confirmed their plans for Tanay 2020, and CTR Optimum will probably qualify once again at the upcoming national outdoor championships. The world meet in Russia could become the first live encounter between both teams...

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