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Did You Know...

... that school vacations changed the junior lineups in the Czech Republic?

NWSL's Indoor Cloud League June team at iFLY Seattle
posted Jul 5th, 2019 - The June competition of the Indoor Cloud League has been over for a few days, while scores and videos are still being added to the leaderboards.

The ICL team of the Northwest Skydiving League at iFLY Seattle was once again without the help of Seattle Swift for the Open Class sequences (AAA/AA), as the team is on a break. However, team member Djorde Mandaric and the previous organizers of the ICL activities at iFLY Seattle, Deb and Dave Correia, worked together to post scores and videos for all six categories.

Djordje Mandaric had three new participants in his June lineups, and he is expecting even more in the coming months. Player-coaches Deb Correia, Dave Corriea, Bill Selig and Djordje Mandaric eventually performed the AAA Class sequence together for a complete set of scores and videos.

With Seattle Swift on a break, Djordje Mandaric has time for other skydiving endeavors, as well. He recently visited Skydive Perris and was a part of a 64-way team that completed a Hope Diamond.

iFLY Seattle - JuneAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
TeamsK,18,A,16 Q,1,18 J,P,6 B,K,A M,J,P M,QTotal
Deb Correia, Dave Corriea, Bill Selig, Djordje Mandaric14-----14
Slavko Pesic, Garry Dutton, Shawna Williiams, Djordje Mandaric-814---22
Katie Crabb, John Hausman, Lisa Orchard, Deb Correia---12--12
Brian Olmstead, Barbara Lindsay, Dave Correia, Bill Selig----161834

iFLY Seattle's Best of June1481412161882

64-way Hope Diamond with Djordje Mandaric
image by: Craig O'Brien
The summer vacation of schools made it more difficult for Jan Klapka to get his 4-way junior teams together. He said that there was no training scheduled at all for the month of June.

He had to scramble the lineups and still turned in a total of 134 points.

Only the HF Flying Rebels had their complete lineup available to perform two of the six sequences, including the 25-pointer highscore for the A Class sequence. Three juniors of the HF Dragonflies needed a substitute, as well, and Jan Klapka increased the team's fall rate for the AA and A sequences.

Three HF Chameleons (Kaja Cejkova, Matej Sotona, Stepan Sotona) got help from HF Flying Rebel Martin Stránksý. He also filled one of the two open slots of the HF Rusalky juniors. His team mate Krystof Rulf took the 4th slot in June.

The 2-2 mix of Rusalky posted the two highscores for the R and RR sequences. They also had the highest score for the RRR sequence, even though the Czech ICL team used the 14-pointer of the HF Flying Chameleons for the official leaderboard.

Jan Klapka also player-coached one of his newest junior teams, HF Junior Red, who were missing their inside center.

Hurricane Factory - JuneAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
Teams K,18,A,16 Q,1,18 J,P,6 B,K,A M,J,P M,QTotal
HF Flying Circus2625----51
HF Cubs2020-----
HF Chicks1820-----
M Team-1419----
4 V Tunelu-1419----
HF Flying Rebels-1325---25
HF Dragonflies-1419----
HF Flying Chameleons--121420-14
HF Junior Red----1411-

Hurricane Factory's Best of June262525142321134

Back in 4-way Women action: HF Chicks
The HF Cubs had only three members available (Sabina Cioleková, Viktorie Nováková, Adela Vesela). HF Flying Circus member Martina Vavackova helped out, while she was posting the highest scores for the AAA and AA sequences with her own team.

The ICL June competition also brought back the HF Chicks to a Czech leaderboard. They had not taken on any of the ICL sequences this year after the changes that the NSL News reported on February 14th, even though the new lineup, with at least two former HF Junior Cubs, had attended each of the four World Tunnel League meets at the Hurricane Factory between January and April this year.

The HF Cubs have now moved up into the 4-way senior competition after winning the FAI gold medals in 4-way Junior at the FAI Indoor World Meet, even though three team members are still eligible as 4-way juniors. They will compete directly against their three former HF Cubs team mates (Sabina Ciolekova, Adéla Veselá, Tereza Zívalová) who have joined Eva Turkova in the HF Chicks lineup.

The June competition of the Indoor Cloud League was the first one of many 4-way Women duels to come in the Czech Republic...

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