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Did You Know...

... that High Five finished off their first 10-round A Class meet in a special way?

Exit setup at the Czech Nationals 2019
posted Aug 30th, 2019 - The Czech Outdoor Nationals are part of the series of national championships in Europe, and they were completed at the same time as the Italian Nationals 2019.

The German teams added a few more rounds, and Oceanside AtomiX increased the lead in 4-way Open. Skynamite is now on track to beat the 14.1 qualification average for Tanay 2020. At the same time, the Dutch teams have launched their national championship, and Out of the Blue had an impressive start.

Jan Klapka in the Czech Republic had invited other European teams to visit his national championship in Most. However, the event schedule in the middle of the summer is so tight with national championships everywhere that the Czech teams had the whole leaderboard for themselves only.

HF Flying Circus did not have any serious competition and won their second consecutive 4-way title. Jan Klapka's Bad Boys were the last team winning the national championship in 2017 before HF Flying Circus took over the reigns in the Czech Republic. Jan Klapka is now competing with M Team, and his former team mate Vaclav Prokes is on camera for HF Flying Circus. Both are also helping the new 4-way champions with advice as much as they can.

Czech Outdoor Nationals 2019
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class E,G,9,10 D,F,B,16 P,4,3 20,A,Q,L 22,C,5 15,K,1 12,6,H O,N,11,17 J,2,18 21,8,19 Total Avg
1 HF Flying Circus 16 -1 17 -1 13    18 -1 10 -1 14    13    15 -1 13    12    141 14.1
2 Hvezdy 13    13 -2 12    11    11    10    11    8    12    11    112 11.2
3 Sky.... 9 -1 12    9    10    8    9    8    6    10    7 -1 88 8.8
4 M Team 10    13    7 -1 9    8    7    6 -2 7 -2 8 -1 3    78 7.8
Rank A Class E,G,9 D,F,B P,4 A,Q,8 C,19 K,M,L 6,H O,N,7 J,2 21,8 Total Avg
1 High Five 8 -1 11 -1 5 -2 7 -4 8    15    11    4 -2 8    1 -1 78 7.8

Awards at the Czech Nationals 2019
Once again, HF Flying Circus had to deal with a challenging situation for exits and sub-terminal pages. They competed earlier this year at a meet in the Czech Republic where they had to launch formations from an Antonov AN-2.

The following two meets, including the national championship, had the PAC 750XL in Most for the jump plane, which is much better suited for a skydiving operation and still not ideal for 4-way exits. It took HF Flying Circus an average time of five seconds to build the first formations of each sequence, with the help of several standard exits.

Only one of the standard exit formations, the Satellite (O) in Round 8, was also the beginning of the sequence at the same time. HF Flying Circus are probably looking forward to the first competition this year with exits from a Twin Otter or a Cessna Caravan.

A Class team High Five attended the team's second outdoor meet in this category with exits from the same jump plane. They had to deal with the same situation and still improved their meet average compared to July. The 1-pointer in Round 10 was not caused by any exit troubles though. High Five finished off the team's first 10-round meet in the A Class with a special celebration after building the first formation of the sequence...

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