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Did You Know...

... that No Mercy has joined French Weembi Girls, NFTO and HF Cubs?

Flyspot Sky4Four with Chiara Brunetti (left) and coach David Grauwels
posted Dec 12th, 2019 - The NSL News story on November 13th reported that the Czech HF Cubs had joined French Weembi Girls in France and NFTO in Great Britain as the strongest 4-way teams in their respective countries, while they are actually competing in the 4-way Women category at FAI/IPC events.

There was recently a 4th 4-way Women team joining the group of female 4-way competitors who outscore their male opponents in domestic 4-way competition. No Mercy, Poland's national team in 4-way Women, took the 3rd place at this year's Flyspot Polish Open behind HF Cubs and Russian Thunder, and they outscored the national team in 4-way Open, Flyspot Sky4Four, with a 21.9 average.

Flyspot Sky4Four ended up tied with Flyspot One2Three, another Polish all-female team, in 4th place. The three AAA Class teams from Poland were separated by only seven points at the end of the 10-round meet in Katowice. Flyspot Sky4Four and Flyspot One2Three did not have to break their tie, as they did not finish in medal positions.

Two AA Class teams needed an extra round, when MAD Team and HF Dragonflies were together in 2nd place after Round 10. The AA competition was dominated by another Polish all-female team, Ladies Power, who have shared their progression with MAD Team through the first three NSL categories (RRR - A - AA) since 2017.

Flyspot Polish Open 2019
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 5,12,Q E,7,20 2,K,3 B,C,F,G,L M,13,J,15 21,18,O 8,4,6 9,11,14 N,A,19,22 D,P,17,10 Total Avg
1 HF Cubs  CZ  24 -1 29    25    45 -4 31    25    22    23 -1 22 -3 28     274 27.4
2 Russian Thunder  RU  22 -3 23 -4 26    41 -6 25 -1 26    20 -1 23 -1 26    22 -2 254 25.4
3 No Mercy  PL  19 -1 24    16 -2 41 -1 23 -1 21    16 -1 19    18 -1 22    219 21.9
4 FlySpot Sky4Four  PL  19    24    16 -3 30 -6 23    19    18    20    20    23    212 21.2
4 Flyspot One2Three  PL  17 -1 21 -2 18 -1 39 -3 22 -1 20    17    19    21    18 -2 212 21.2
6 Lucky Boys  HU  18    21    19    32 -1 23    18    16    16 -1 21    18 -2 202 20.2
7 Equinox  LT  17 -1 19    18    29    17 -2 16    14 -1 15    17    14 -1 176 17.6

Flyspot One2Three with Zaneta Olczyk (top)
It was not the first time that No Mercy finished ahead of Flyspot Sky4Four. In fact, both teams have been taking turns on the top of Poland's internal and domestic leaderboards since they launched their team projects in 2014.

Sky4Four, with Poland's 4-way godfather Zbigniew Kordzikowski in the lineup, was ahead in 4-way outdoor competition in 2014 and 2015. No Mercy caught up and took the top spot when indoor training and competition became very popular in Poland (2016/2017).

Sky4Four turned the table this year and won the three duels in March, April and May, including the FAI Indoor World Meet, where the teams competed in their FAI/IPC categories, No Mercy in 4-way Women, Flyspot Sky4Four in 4-way Open.

The Polish national team in 4-way Open did not have the complete lineup available when it was time for the Flyspot Polish Open in November. Italy's Amnesya member Chiara Brunetti replaced Maciej Godlewski last month, while No Mercy showed up with the complete and well trained lineup for their last competition with coach Joey Jones.

He leaves No Mercy after posting a new national record for a single round for the Super Sequence in Round 4 and taking back the 4-way top spot in Poland.

FAI Indoor World Meet 2019
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank 4-way Open - 4-way Women M,K,D,14 Q,4,5 P,E,9,15 3,N,G,2 6,1,8 F,12,11 13,22,J H,L,B,18 O,20,A,17 21,7,19 Total Avg
1 NMP-PCH Hayabusa BE 39 36 42 35 27 32 29 42 38 31 351 35.1
2 Weembi High Rollers FR 38 33 44 32 27 29 26 47 37 31 344 34.4
3 Arizona Airspeed US 39 33 40 30 27 29 24 39 33 27 321 32.1
4 Qatar Tigers QA 34 30 36 29 22 27 28 36 32 28 302 30.2
5 Airheads CH 35 28 33 29 25 27 24 36 30 25 292 29.2
6 Black Cat RU 34 29 39 29 25 22 25 36 26 22 287 28.7
7 Nephtys Weembi FR 34 27 35 25 23 25 23 33 31 24 280 28.0
8 NFTO UK 34 26 34 28 23 24 24 34 28 23 278 27.8
9 Echochamber SE 34 27 35 26 22 25 20 35 26 24 274 27.4
10 ACM Weembi UK 32 28 32 26 20 24 19 35 26 25 267 26.7
11 XPG4 US 34 26 33 24 21 24 24 28 25 23 262 26.2
11 Airfource DE 33 22 33 25 22 23 20 35 25 24 262 26.2
13 Bubble Hubble RU 29 25 33 24 22 23 22 31 25 21 255 25.5
14 China CN 31 26 31 22 23 24 22 30 22 23 254 25.4
15 HF Flying Circus CZ 31 26 28 23 24 22 18 33 19 23 247 24.7
16 Pro Team FI 27 24 30 23 23 22 22 30 23 22 246 24.6
17 Team X SE 26 25 28 24 20 22 23 28 24 23 243 24.3
18 Monaco Indoor Skydive Team MC 27 21 27 23 20 22 21 29 21 21 232 23.2
19 FlySpot Sky4Four PL 27 23 28 23 19 20 20 29 21 21 231 23.1
20 Papea Masculino ES 28 23 26 16 21 20 21 30 23 22 230 23.0
21 Out of the Blue NL 24 22 27 19 19 19 18 27 24 20 219 21.9
21 No Mercy PL 29 22 25 21 19 17 21 23 20 22 219 21.9
23 Skynamite DE 28 20 26 20 17 17 19 26 18 19 210 21.0
24 Voss Vind Girls NO 27 22 24 18 18 19 20 23 19 19 209 20.9
25 H40 IE 22 19 23 17 18 17 17 24 20 19 196 19.6
26 Skydive University Slovakia SK 23 19 23 17 18 17 14 22 19 17 189 18.9
27 Lithuania LT 26 15 19 15 17 16 17 21 - - 146 18.3
Flyspot Sky4Four and No Mercy at the FAI Indoor World Meet 2019
Last meet: No Mercy with coach Joey Jones
Flyspot One2Three competed with a different lineup, as well. Zaneta Olczyk replaced Anna Ciechonska at the Polish Indoor Open. Zaneta Olczyk trained and competed with her family and the Olczyk Flyspot Team in the past. The Olczyk team did not come back this year, and Zaneta Olczyk attended her first AAA Class competition with Flyspot One2Three.

Zaneta Olczyk is also an alternate for Flyspot Sky4Four, who filled the open slot at the Polish Indoor Open with Chiara Brunetti.

Joey Jones forwards his No Mercy coaching job to Marco Arrigo for the world meet season next year. No Mercy is an indoor and outdoor team and represented Poland at the FAI Outdoor World Meet 2016, as well as at the FAI Indoor World Meet 2019. Marco Arrigo will prepare No Mercy for the 4-way Women competition at the FAI Outdoor World Meet 2020 in Tanay, Russia.

No Mercy's current top position in Poland could be temporary until Flyspot Sky4Four is back together with the complete lineup. There are more than enough indoor meets in the winter season for new opportunities. In the meantime, No Mercy has the top spot in Poland.

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