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Did You Know...

... that Indoor Cloud League organizers and competitors had a strong presence at Paraclete XP?

Back in full strength: HF Flying Rebels
posted Mar 7th, 2020 - The Indoor Cloud League leaderboard for the month of February took shape while several indoor events took place at the turn of the month. The NSL News will follow up with scores and more information from different parts of the world very soon.

The Czech teams held their February meet of the World Tunnel League on the 12th, as the NSL News reported on February 19th. Then they followed up with their monthly Indoor Cloud League scores and videos, with ten teams competing for the February highscores in the six ICL categories.

The total of 154 points won the top spot on the 14+ leaderboard once again, even though the scores of the iFLY Tampa team are still missing. HF Cubs posted the next set of world-class scores for the two 4-way Open Class sequences (AAA/AA) and seem to be ready for the pursuit of FAI indoor medals in 4-way Women at the upcoming world cup.

HF Flying Rebels, the Czech national team in 4-way Junior, outscored their domestic challengers, HF Dragonflies, after finishing behind the four female juniors at the 10-round meet in February, when both teams competed with incomplete lineups. The even younger HF Chameleons added a total of 49 points for two of the three Rookie Class sequences (RRR/RR), and the Czech scores for the two 4-way beginner sequences (RR/R) had to be capped at 25 points.

Indoor Cloud League February 2020 - Hurricane FactoryAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
TeamsA,2,J,17 A,2,21 N,G,19 N,G,O M,A,J M,ATotal
HF Cubs2824----52
HF Flying Circus2420-----
HF Dragonflies-1626----
HF Flying Rebels-1728---28
4 V Tunelu-15-----
Hight Five-1216----
HF Chameleons--192432-49
HF Juniors Invisible--1722242825

Hurricane Factory's Best of February282428242525154

Morgan Womble (left) and Chris Webb with Lucky Chris
Paraclete XP's Indoor Cloud League team had a busy month of February, as well. The Paraclete XP Indoor Championship last weekend brought most of the coaches and participants back to the 16-foot flying chamber in Raeford.

All five coaches in the Indoor Cloud League lineups (Jeana Billings, Morgan Womble, Terry Seaworth, Kirk Verner, Chris Webb) competed with several teams at the national indoor championship. Jeana Billings and Kirk Verner were team mates with Airspeed XP8, the U.S. national indoor and outdoor team. Jeana Billings also competed for the first time with the new XPG4 lineup.

Morgan Womble has been organizing Paraclete XP's Indoor Cloud League team from the very beginning, first together with Jessica Haugaard, recently with Lauren Byrd. She was also training and competing with XPG4 last year and won an indoor bronze medal at the FAI World Meet 2019.

She has no serious team commitment for the 2020 season and competed with pickup team Lucky Chris at the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship. Her team mate Chris Webb, the lucky one, is also a player-coach for Paraclete XP's Indoor Cloud League team. Her previous ICL partner Jessica Haugaard was back at Paraclete in the AVG Honor 4-way and 8-way lineups. She has moved to the Minnesota/Wisconsin area and plans to launch a new ICL team there.

Indoor Cloud League February 2020 - Paraclete XPAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
TeamsL,4,O,3 L,4,1 F,Q,21 F,Q,P M,L,O M,LTotal
Jeana Billings, Morgan Womble, Terry Seaworth, Kirk Verner, Chris Webb1919----38
Jeana Billings, Christina Chan, Chris Webb, Bruce Travis--25---25
Lucy Paul, Matt Alarif, Bubba Brunson, Kirk Verner---37--37
Chuck Beasley, Phil Heinz, Chris Webb, Kirk Verner----181735

Paraclete XP's Best of February191925371817135

Skydive Midwest NEXT and Lucky Chris at the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2020
AVG Honor: Jessica Haugaard, Dee Caminiti, Donna Kim, Matt Alarif
Lauren Byrd, Morgan Womble's former Phoenix XP team mate and new ICL partner at Paraclete XP, was not in the February lineups. She was training and competing with her new team, Skydive Midwest NEXT, that the NSL News had introduced on January 1st. SDMW NEXT had contributed 43 points to Paraclete XP's December total on the ICL leaderboard.

Lauren Byrd and her NEXT team mates Megan George and Greg Oldendick were also in the Rhythm 8-way lineup that won the bronze medals in the Open Class. ICL player-coach Terry Seaworth filled an open slot for TailSpin XP on the AA Class leaderboard. Morgan Womble and Terry Seaworth also competed together in 8-way with Avi8trixx.

ICL February participant Matt Alarif was back at Paraclete XP to compete for AVG Honor, together with Jessica Haugaard, ICL Capital Region organizer Dee Caminiti and Donna Kim. He was in Paraclete XP's RRR Class ICL lineup in February, who posted the only winning highscore over the Czech teams. Lucy Paul, Bubba Brunson and player-coach Kirk Verner completed the lineup.

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