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Did You Know...

... that the Czech Indoor Cloud League team completed all March sequences before the shutdown of the Hurricane Factory?

Longest-standing Czech 4-way team: Accord
posted Mar 28th, 2020 - The Hurricane Factory's March meet of the World Tunnel League was the last indoor competition before most of the wind tunnels in the world shut down their operations due to the impact of the corona virus.

Jan Klapka reported from the Czech Republic that the Hurricane Factory was closed for all activities on March 13th, two days after the completion of the ten WTL March sequences. The NSL News had provided more details of the competition on March 26th.

Despite the much limited time for this month's Indoor Cloud League events, Jan Klapka's Czech teams had already performed all six sequences. He did not have all of his teams available before the shutdown, however, eight teams still combined for a total of 134 points. The Czech scores and videos for March might be the only ones on the March leaderboards.

The absence of several teams, including the HF Cubs, offered at least one other team to score for the Czech Indoor Cloud League team.

It was the first time that Accord, the longest standing Czech 4-way indoor and outdoor team, had their name on the March leaderboard, and the video is showing a clean and solid performance. HF Flying Circus performed only the AA Class sequence for the Czech ICL team.

Indoor Cloud League March 2020 - Hurricane FactoryAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
TeamsC,15,N,5 C,15,18 F,Q,6 D,L,H M,C,N M,CTotal
HF Flying Circus-20----20
HF Dragonflies-1724----
HF Flying Rebels-1527---27
M Team-1425----
HF Chameleons-15212533-50
HF Juniors Invisible--18142220-

Hurricane Factory's Best of March132027252524134

HF Flying Rebels
4-way junior team Rusalky has currently become the point-getter in the Rookie Class (R). The Invisible juniors are not eligible for this category any longer after two 25+ scores in January and February.

Rusalky and Invisible both can still post RR Class scores, while the HF Chameleons are done with this category after the 32-pointer in February, followed by 33 points this month. Both scores were capped at 25 points.

The 4-way juniors of the HF Chameleons also posted the 25-pointer for the RRR Class sequence. This category does not have the same scoring limits as on the other two Rookie Class leaderboards.

HF Dragonflies and HF Flying Rebels challenged each other once again, as they have done in the past months.

The Dragonflies won the internal AA Class competition in this duel and were only three points behind HF Flying Circus (17 - 20). The Flying Rebels had the upper hand in the A Class and won the total between the two junior teams by one point.

The HF Flying Rebels were supposed to be the Czech national team in 4-way Junior for the FAI Indoor World Cup in April, which was also canceled due to the corona virus crisis.

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