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Did You Know...

... that Paraclete XP posted Indoor Cloud League scores and videos for March before taking an ICL break?

Paraclete XP's Indoor Cloud League March lineup
posted Apr 2nd, 2020 - Paraclete XP's Indoor Cloud League team was also still able to run an event before corona virus restrictions limited the activities in North Carolina. The March leaderboard will probably not grow much more, and there is no indication when the next ICL scores and videos will be posted.

Morgan Womble still welcomed her group of ICL competitors in March, including a few new participants whose names appear for the first time on Paraclete XP's leaderboard and in the complete ICL roster. She still continues to organize the ICL events at Paraclete XP, even after her new commitment with XPG4, as the NSL News reported on March 20th.

She was in Paraclete XP's AAA/AA Class lineup with the three other player coaches for all teams (Terry Seaworth, Jill Stephenson, Chris Webb) and guided some of the new participants to the 21-pointer in the RR Class. The complete Lucky Chris and won Advanced AAA/AA lineup had competed earlier at the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2020, only in three different teams. Morgan Womble and Chris Webb were team mates with Class bronze medals. Jill Stephenson is a member of the U.S. national team in 4-way Women, Aviatrixx, and Terry Seaworth had competed for TailSpin XP at the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship.

Indoor Cloud League March 2020 - Paraclete XPAAAAAARRRRRRTotal
TeamsC,15,N,5 C,15,18 F,Q,6 D,L,H M,C,N M,CTotal
Terry Seaworth, Jill Stephenson, Chris Webb, Morgan Womble1717----34
Terry Seaworth, Randy Garman, Cheryl Morgan, Jill Stephenson--23---23
Joey Baker, Lucy Paul, Eric Harper, Chris Webb---25--25
Christina Slone, Natalie Barnette, Andy Plisko, Morgan Womble----21-21
Nate Burnes, Adam Plummer, Dale Kierstead, Terry Seaworth-----1111

Paraclete XP's Best of March171723252111114

TailSpin XP's Indoor Cloud League lineup
It was almost the complete TailSpin XP lineup back in 4-way action for Paraclete XP's Indoor Cloud League team a few weeks after the national indoor championship. Former Carolina Skydiving League directors Randy Garman and Dan Winkelstein formed the indoor and outdoor team together with Cheryl Morgan and Stan Kay in 2017.

Jill Stephenson substituted for Stan Kay at the ICL event, and TailSpin XP posted the highest A Class score for the Paraclete team, with 23 points for the Intermediate Class sequence (F,Q,6). Terry Seaworth had stepped in for Stan Kay at the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship, where TailSpin XP finished with a new 17.4 team record average, right behind the medal positions.

TailSpin XP's substitutes Jill Stephenson and Terry Seaworth together then posted the 23-pointer for the A Class sequence, with original members Cheryl Morgan and Randy Garman in the ICL lineup. Chris Webb was back in the RRR Class lineup for Paraclete XP with a 25-pointer, together with Lucy Paul, Joey Baker (8rz Gonna 8) and Eric Harper (SCZ ZEUS 2).

Morgan Womble said that there will be no more Indoor Cloud League events at Paraclete XP until things will settle down. She hopes that there will be a way to catch up after missing a few months, which will probably become an option for all participating ICL teams.

Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2020
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AA/Intermediate Class 9,N,8 H,22,G 4,21 A,E,P,20 O,6,M L,18,19 7,2 13,J,14 K,B,C,Q D,F,1 Total Avg
1 Barhons 16 18 15 19 24 15 16 17 28 24 192 19.2
2 F-5 22 14 15 17 23 15 15 17 29 24 191 19.1
3 CT True Blue 19 16 15 20 23 12 15 16 29 18 183 18.3
4 TailSpin XP 16 14 13 21 24 14 17 16 22 17 174 17.4
5 SCZ ZEUS 1 12 16 14 19 21 14 15 14 25 22 172 17.2
6 AVG Honor 20 16 13 17 22 13 15 15 20 18 169 16.9
7 SCZ ZEUS 2 13 15 14 14 19 11 15 16 23 20 160 16.0
8 Wind Tunnel Fun 13 15 14 17 18 13 13 12 24 20 159 15.9
9 Teiwaz 16 14 13 17 20 12 16 14 20 16 158 15.8
10 Fourmidables 15 14 12 18 17 12 15 13 15 15 146 14.6
11 AVG + 1 14 13 10 13 16 8 10 14 19 15 132 13.2
12 Wind Warriors 9 13 11 13 14 11 13 11 17 11 123 12.3
TailSpin XP at the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2020
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