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Did You Know...

... that InTime's Claire King and Dirk Venter discussed scoring and judging topics?

Jazz Republic at the World Challenge 2019
posted May 17th, 2020 - The next NSL Live Talk update on ZOOM is coming from South Africa. Claire King and Dirk Venter, owners and operators of the InTime scoring system, are locked down at their home and wait for the corona virus crisis to come to an end.

Dirk Venter said that he is making the best out of the situation, which would even be similar under normal circumstances at this time of the year. There is the small gap between the end of the indoor competition season and the beginning of the outdoor season that he is using to update and improve the system, with changes sometimes related to the dive pool or other rules and regulations.

This year, the opportunity for updates was not planned as it happened. Claire King and Dirk Venter were just getting ready for their trip to Florida, where they visit annually to provide the Shamrock Showdown with their judging services. They are operating the InTime scoring system, and they are FAI Judges at the same time. In fact, the InTime system does not need their supervision, and they can focus exclusively on their judging.

They are also 4-way competitors at the same time, which completes their full and comprehensive spectrum in the sport. Their practical experiences in front of the judging camera and in the middle of a 4-way competition are very helpful to understand the details from the competitor's point of view when they work on the InTime scoring system and as FAI Judges.

World Challenge 2019
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class P,H,Q,5 19,16,E L,3,2 B,A,22,D J,14,8 11,M,G,1 15,21,18 7,O,4 C,N,K,13 20,6,F Total Avg
1 NMP-PCH Hayabusa  BE  52 32 28 39 29 32 28 34 42 31  347 34.7
2 Arizona Airspeed  US  48 30 27 37 27 31 25 33 36 28  322 32.2
3 IFS-Moscow  RU  44 29 26 33 27 29 23 33 34 31  309 30.9
4 Qatar Tigers  QA  44 29 26 35 24 29 24 31 32 31  305 30.5
5 SDC Rhythm XP  US  46 28 24 32 25 29 24 31 35 27  301 30.1
6 Airheads  CH  44 28 22 36 24 27 19 29 33 26 288 28.8
7 Weembi Unicorns  FR  43 28 23 32 23 28 19 28 33 26  283 28.3
8 ISR FireFlash  BE  40 26 24 33 24 25 19 25 28 26  270 27.0
9 NFTO  UK  35 25 24 29 24 25 20 27 30 24  263 26.3
10 Odin Parachute Systems  FR  35 28 21 29 22 25 20 25 29 25 259 25.9
10 Chimera  UK  36 24 21 27 23 27 21 25 29 26  259 25.9
12 ACM Weembi  UK  38 22 24 28 21 24 21 25 29 26  258 25.8
13 Gavroche Weembi  FR  38 27 23 26 21 25 14 27 28 23 252 25.2
14 Tenanine  MR  37 25 22 22 20 24 19 26 29 22 246 24.6
15 FlySpot Sky4Four  PL  36 19 18 26 20 22 19 25 21 21  227 22.7
16 Eros  UK  27 21 22 24 19 23 17 24 27 21  225 22.5
17 Jazz Republic  ZA  29 22 18 23 19 20 18 24 23 22 218 21.8
18 Falco  BE  22 20 17 19 20 20 17 24 26 19 204 20.4
19 Blackjack  FI  24 20 17 23 19 19 15 21 22 18  198 19.8
20 Pajama Pumas  UK  27 21 16 21 19 19 16 21 20 17  197 19.7
21 Tempo  FI  26 18 18 23 18 19 15 21 20 18  196 19.6
22 Aladeen  HU  28 21 19 16 16 19 13 19 18 20 189 18.9
23 Alakran  ES  26 18 12 18 17 21 17 23 18 18 188 18.8
24 FlyPonots  FR  26 19 17 21 16 18 10 18 18 18 181 18.1
25 Nefertit  UK  24 18 16 18 15 16 13 20 17 16 173 17.3
26 Windobona Angels  ES  20 16 14 18 16 17 15 21 17 18 172 17.2
27 Ayro  BE  16 18 15 18 17 15 14 19 19 17 168 16.8
28 Koloncok  HU  21 16 13 19 14 16 15 19 18 16 167 16.7
29 Stardust  BE  21 15 12 17 16 16 11 18 17 13 156 15.6
30 Nova  CH  21 14 12 16 13 13 11 17 19 16 152 15.2
31 Barak  ES  25 19 17 21 16 19 14 19 0 0 150 15.0
32 Wood Fella’s  UK  17 13 10 16 13 13 11 17 19 13 142 14.2
33 Draconis  UK  16 13 12 13 12 15 10 15 13 15 134 13.4
34 Free Burds  IE  16 10 11 11 13 12 11 15 15 13 127 12.7
Jazz Republic at the World Challenge 2019 and the ISR Grand Prix 2018
Jazz Republic at the ISR Grand Prix 2018
This year's spring tour would have brought them from Florida to Bedford for the World Challenge, followed by the FAI Indoor World Cup in Charleroi, Belgium. The corona virus crisis changed their plans just as it did for all teams and competitors in the world, and they never left South Africa.

World Challenge 2019 was actually the last meet that their team, Jazz Republic, attended in April. They finished with a new team record average of 21.8 at Twinwoods Adventure. Jazz Republic had also competed at the FAI Indoor World Cup 2018 and at the ISR Grand Prix 2018.

Claire King and Dirk Venter launched the InTime scoring system in 2012 and had their first big event with the FAI Mondial Dubai 2012. Omniskore then covered the world meets in Prostejov 2014 and Ottawa 2016 before InTime was back in Australia 2018.

InTime was the third relevant electronic scoring system in the history of Formation Skydiving since 1985. Omniskore was the first one in the sport, and CamScore offered a new system for several years before InTime offered a third option. Omniskore is still servicing the USPA Nationals annually, while InTime has a large international clientele.

Dirk Venter and Claire King at a Shamrock Showdown
Claire King is more heavily involved in judging and the development of rules and regulations with the Formation Skydiving committee of FAI's International Skydiving Commission (ISC) than Dirk Venter is. She explained that the speed of judging and presenting scores to the public is currently one of the major topics.

She pointed out that the situation at the Wind Games brought the difficulties to the surface. The average judging time for a round was just over two minutes before the score was posted, and it changed dramatically in Round 10. A record number of penalties for a more challenging sequence (M,B,3,L) for teams (slot-switcher) and judges (fast random transitions) increased the judging time dramatically to over five minutes for a score.

Claire King and Dirk Venter know through their direct involvement as fellow competitors at the meets that the teams have their highest priority on the accuracy of the results, even if the scores are not available instantly. They are aware of the fact that the desire of the ISC commission to present results as quickly as possible to the public is creating a conflict that needs to be balanced adequately.

Claire King said that the commission is also looking closer at different ways how to use the windtunnel time as efficiently as possible to make it easier and more affordable for the host. Entry into the flying chamber and start of the working time are a part of the experimental phase at events like the Wind Games and Weembinamic.

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