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Did You Know...

... that Christy Frikken defeated NMP PCH HayaBusa twice?

Perris Fury at the World Challenge 2008
posted Jun 7th, 2020 - The recent change in SDC Rhythm XP's lineup is an interesting move in many ways, and it also has many different angles for a closer look.

One of the most interesting angles is the one that goes back in 4-way competition history and reviews the relationship between the reigning and defending indoor and outdoor world champions from Belgium, NMP PCH HayaBusa, and new Rhythm member Christy Frikken. HayaBusa and Rhythm will compete for their countries at the FAI Mondial Tanay 2020 next year.

The NSL News pointed out on June 1st that only three countries have ever won FAI gold medals in 4-way Open since 1985. United States and France won all gold medals between 1985 and 2012 before NMP PCH HayaBusa won the first 4-way title for Belgium in 2014 and defended it twice successfully. The Belgians will try to win their 4th consecutive title in Russia next year, while SDC Rhythm XP's new lineup has over a year to get ready and bring back the 4-way Open title to the United States.

New Rhythm member Christy Frikken brings a special experience into the battle with the four reigning world champions (Andy Grauwels, Dennis Praet, Jeroen Nollet, David Grauwels now on camera) and new inside center Michele Silvi. She is the only Rhythm member who has defeated NMP PCH HayaBusa in her 4-way career.

World Challenge 2008
RankAAA Class Top 1021,18,1315,11,FE,H,19,O14,2,N12,1,KQ,5,C,3P,9,A,J6,G,74,10,M16,20,BTotalAvg
1Airspeed OdysseyUS2126372322334529212628328.3
3Perris FuryUS2121332221274329222226126.1
5HayaBusa DefenceBE2023352021224226232225425.4
6Skylight BarkliRU1916332017244526212124224.2
7Aerokart Mamba PamiersFR1822291818263724211823123.1
9Paraclete XPUS1920291818233626211722722.7
10Bodyflight StormUK1821262018233926191622622.6

Perris Fury and NMP PCH HayaBusa at the World Challenge 2008
Perris Fury at the World Challenge 2009
This did not happen when she was in the same slot for SDC Rhythm XP between 2013 and 2015. The Rhythm lineup of this time period (Christy Frikken, Mikhail Markine, Steve and Janette Lefkowitz, with Thad Paker on camera) met NMP PCH HayaBusa many times at indoor and outdoor competitions and were never close enough for a serious challenge.

Christy Frikken had trained and competed with Perris Fury before she joined SDC Rhythm XP in 2013 after a short break. Perris Fury and NMP PCH HayaBusa were formed almost at the same time. The Belgian team posted their first scores in April 2004, a year before the first Perris Fury scores in March 2005. Both teams were on a very similar scoring level in their early years.

It was at the World Challenge in March 2008 when both teams eventually met each other directly at the same place and time. Christy Frikken, Josh Hall, Chris Farina and Uli Stuewe won the first duel against HayaBusa's first military lineup (Luc Verstrepen, Roy Janssen, David and Andy Grauwels) by seven points (261 - 254). Christy Frikken was Fury's outside center.

NMP PCH HayaBusa with new member Waedong So in the point slot were much closer to the same Fury lineup a year later in Bedford (277 - 275). However, she defeated the Belgians again at the indoor competition, and her team posted a new indoor world record (59) in Round 4.

World Challenge 2009
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class Top 10 17,10,4 19,Q,8 G,7,D,9 A,C,E,H,K 14,M,J,3 N,16,6 20,F,12 15,21,L 13,22,18 11,2,B Total Avg
1 Airspeed Odyssey  US  23 26 36 53 29 27 24 24 21 25 288 28.8
2 Perris Fury  US  22 20 38 59 22 26 21 24 22 23 277 27.7
3 HayaBusa Defence  BE  22 25 32 56 25 25 21 25 21 23 275 27.5
4 XL  UK  21 24 35 51 25 25 23 25 20 24 273 27.3
5 Aerodyne Cypres Maubeuge  FR  22 26 34 44 26 25 22 24 22 23 268 26.8
6 GKXP  US  22 22 32 45 23 24 21 21 18 19 247 24.7
7 Arcteryx Nice  NO  20 24 31 41 23 23 21 21 19 21 244 24.4
8 Satori  UK  19 21 30 45 24 21 19 22 18 22 241 24.1
9 Kaktus Hunter  RU  18 20 31 45 23 22 20 21 19 20 239 23.9
9 Aerokart Pamiers Maubeuge  FR  21 22 33 41 23 17 20 23 18 21 239 23.9

Perris Fury and NMP PCH HayaBusa at the World Challenge 2009
Perris Fury at the Shamrock Showdown 2010
The next HayaBusa lineup with new point Denis Praet wiped out Fury's 59-pointer two years later at the same place with the still standing 65-point world record. Perris Fury's original lineup had disbanded by then, and SDC Rhythm XP competed in Bedford for the second time at the 2011 event.

NMP PCH HayaBusa and Perris Fury with Christy Frikken met each other for the first time at an outdoor competition at the Shamrock Showdown 2010. Perris Fury's original lineup finished 15 points behind HayaBusa in DeLand.

The same Fury lineup could neither keep up any longer with the ever-improving Belgians a month later in Bedford, even though it was a much closer race. NMP PCH HayaBusa was now only four points behind the top spot at the World Challenge 2010, with a 3-point advantage over Perris Fury. SDC Rhythm XP finished in 10th place at the same event. HayaBusa then took over the world's indoor top spot a year later and have never looked back ever since.

Christy Frikken still has her two indoor victories over NMP PCH HayaBusa in her records. Now she will also have a new outdoor opportunity to face off with a different Belgian lineup than the one that she was competing against with SDC Rhythm XP's lineup of 2013 - 2015. She was in the outside center slot when Perris Fury defeated NMP PCH HayaBusa. She is now back as inside center for SDC Rhythm XP.

Shamrock Showdown 2010
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 12,2,B E,K,M,H,11 L,3,22 C,4,18 13,D,J,1 20,16,17 Q,14,8 O,F,6,10 21,G,9 P,19,5 Total Avg
1 Aerodyne Aerokart  FR  21 32 21 19 26 21 22 26 29 27 244 24.4
2 NMP-PCH Hayabusa  BE  20 33 17 22 23 19 19 22 26 22 223 22.3
3 Perris Fury  US  19 30 16 19 21 18 21 18 27 19 208 20.8
4 Aerokart Deep Blue Maubeuge  FR  17 29 16 17 19 18 18 21 24 22 201 20.1
5 Paraclete XP4  US  18 29 16 17 20 16 17 22 20 22 197 19.7
6 Black Cat  RU  17 28 17 19 18 18 16 23 21 18 195 19.5
7 Genesis  US  18 27 17 15 20 17 15 21 22 17 189 18.9
8 Mass Defiance  US  17 23 16 17 18 16 15 16 21 20 179 17.9
9 SDC Rhythm XP  US  14 25 16 17 15 15 15 19 20 19 175 17.5
10 Spaceland Blue  US  15 22 15 15 17 15 17 20 20 11 167 16.7
11 Golden Knights Gold  US  12 24 13 14 17 15 16 16 15 17 159 15.9
12 Bodyflight Voluntas  DK  11 21 15 14 16 13 11 17 20 16 154 15.4
13 Speedy Kids XP  US  12 22 14 13 16 14 13 15 17 16 152 15.2
14 Golden Knights Black  US  13 22 12 10 14 14 13 16 18 17 149 14.9
15 DeLand Shmeland XP  US  15 23 12 10 12 13 14 14 15 16 144 14.4
16 Teiwaz Falcon  US  12 17 12 12 14 11 12 15 16 13 134 13.4
17 Fallout  US  11 18 10 12 13 12 14 15 14 12 131 13.1
18 Carolina Turbo XP  US  9 20 10 10 12 12 15 14 16 12 130 13.0
19 Friday 13  RU  11 17 10 9 12 13 9 15 15 17 128 12.8
20 Kaizen  UK  10 17 12 9 9 11 12 14 16 11 121 12.1

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