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Did You Know...

... that the June leaderboards are the first ones with identical indoor and outdoor sequences?

AA Class leader: Perrisites
posted Jun 24th, 2020 - One more team added scores and videos to the current NSL outdoor leaderboard for the month of June. It was ZEAL of the Florida Skydiving League who made the AA Class competition even more interesting. Teams from California, Arizona and Florida created a colorful mixture from across the United States after a corona crisis restart for dropzones and windtunnels in parts of the country.

It is also a very competitive AA Class leaderboard, as all four participating teams were close to each other, and three of them posted highscores for single rounds. Only the Rave Monsters from Perris finished without a highscore, even though they outscored the team in 1st place, Perrisites, in Round 4 and tied the second team from Perris at Skydive Elsinore in Round 6.

FSL team ZEAL split the duo from Skydive Perris and finished only three points behind the AA Class leader. The June leaderboard is still open until the end of the month, as the format for NSL competition was recently adjusted due to the corona virus crisis. The NSL News had announced the change on June 14th.

ZEAL is one of the Skydive City home teams who will take advantage of the easier logistics for teams from Florida this year. USPA recently confirmed that the preparations for this year's national championships are in full swing at Skydive City.

NSL Outdoor June 2020
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class K,11,B,16 21,6,P A,13,18 5,J,O,M 14,N,3 17,Q,1 Total Avg
1 Main Street Jambalaya SCSL 10    11    11    16    9    14     71 11.8
2 Elsinore Elevate SCSL 11    12    12    12 -1 10    12     69 11.5
3 AZ Defiance ASL 11    11    11    14    10    10     67 11.2
4 AZ Wind F... ASL 7    8    7 -1 -    -    -     22 7.3
Rank AA Class N,11,21 6,P,M A,13,18 15,J,O 14,E,K Q,1,B Total Avg
1 The Perrisites SCSL 7    9    6    4 -3 5    8     39 6.5
2 ZEALFSL 6    7    5    5    4    9     36 6.0
3 Rave Monsters SCSL 6    8    4 -3 5    2 -3 8     33 5.5
4 Eggplant NextGen ASL 5    7    3    6    5    -     26 5.2
Rank A Class G,6 M,21 A,7 O,9 E,K,J Q,B,P Total Avg
1 COVID 4 Team ASL 7    8    5    -    -    -     20 6.7
2 I Need Air SCSL 5    3 -4 5    6    6    3     28 4.7
The Perrisites - ZEAL - Rave Monsters - Eggplant NextGen in June 2020
Skydive City home team ZEAL
The ZEAL members are new to 4-way competition, after they collected their first experiences at the Indoor Cloud League and World Tunnel League events in Florida. Annemarie Hammond and Ron Tabor have been regulars at recreational skydiving activities in Z-Hills before they decided to try 4-way training and competition. Annemarie Hammond is still a load organizer for Skydive City when she is not training with ZEAL.

Kim Lewis is from the Tampa area and has been preparing herself for 4-way training at the indoor events, while Nancie Smith is visiting from Sebastian for ZEAL training and competition. FSL Director Amer Kassas connected the ZEAL members with each other at his events, and the team eventually decided to compete at the USPA Nationals.

Skydive City was supposed to host the Shamrock Showdown this year, which had to be canceled despite a world-class field planning to compete at the event. The Shamrock Showdown would have been the outdoor test for the host of the USPA Nationals. Hopefully, some of the teams will return to Florida for the major event in November, where the ZEAL members will attend their first national championship competition. The Shamrock Showdown is rescheduled for March 2021.

NSL Indoor June 2020
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class K,11,B,16 21,6,P A,13,18 5,J,O,M 14,N,3 17,Q,1 22,H,L,G C,D,19,15 8,F,7 2,12,10 Total Avg
1 HF Cubs CZ 25    26    26    36    23    27    26    26    27    18    260 26.0
2 HF Flying Circus CZ 23    23    22    34    20    25 -1 23    23    25    19    237 23.7
3 Just4Fun FI 22    21    20 -1 30 -3 18 -1 24    22 -1 23    23 -1 16 -1  219 21.9
4 Blue Steel FI 21    21    21    30    19    23    23    20    22    16     216 21.6
5 M Team CZ 14    16    14    21    12 -1 15    14    15    16    11 -1 148 14.8
5 4 V Tunelu CZ 14    16    14    20    11    15    16    15    16    11    148 14.8
7 Accord CZ 13    15    13    16 -1 10 -1 13    14    12    16    11    133 13.3
Rank AA Class N,11,21 6,P,M A,13,18 15,J,O 14,E,K Q,1,B 22,H,L C,D,19 8,F,7 2,4 Total Avg
1 HF Flying Rebels CZ 20    27    21    27    23    26    20    24    23    16    227 22.7
2 HF Dragonflies CZ 19    29    18 -1 24    21    26    18    23    21    16    215 21.5
3 4K FI 9 -1 16    9 -1 13 -1 12 -1 14    11    10 -1 12    9     115 11.5
4 Mimozemky CZ 7 -2 15    10    10    12    14    13    11    11 -2 11    114 11.4
Rank A Class G,6 M,21 A,7 O,9 E,K,J Q,B,P H,L,N C,D,19 8,F 2,4 Total Avg
1 HF Chameleons CZ 17    18    19 -1 27    25    27    23    17 -1 16    13    202 20.2
2 Rusalky CZ 14    18    20    23    25    25    20    16    16    11    188 18.8
3 HF Invisible CZ 14    17    17    20    19    20    15    15    16    10    163 16.3

Czech indoor and outdoor team HF Flying Circus
The change of the format for regular NSL competition is also bringing the first identical competition draw to indoor and outdoor teams in June. However, there will be no direct comparison for any teams this month, even though it will be very interesting when this is happening on a more regular basis. Only the NSL Championship has been applying the same competition draw for indoor and outdoor competition on the same event weekend.

The June leaderboards are showing identical sequences, while none of the teams attended indoor and outdoor events both. The Czech teams have separate time periods for indoor and outdoor competition, even though some of the AAA Class teams perform in both meet environments, and the Czech indoor season is over. The teams continue to post Indoor Cloud League scores throughout the whole year though, while the numerous Czech junior teams are naturally limited to indoor training and competition only.

The teams from Finland are attending exclusively indoor events, even though they all consist of current and former outdoor competitors.

ZEAL and the SCSL and ASL teams could still add indoor scores to the June leaderboard for a direct comparison. However, they will be running out of time very soon. There is barely one week left for any teams to use the June sequences, either for indoor or outdoor competition.

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